Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book II Looking unts1efus. Chap. t.SeCl:.s JCor,p1.,:3eleil. 3 ~ ;,ro bear them. 2. Becaufeofhis'truth,hehathfaid, · to underfta1that thou eat eft thereof thou fhalt furely die, or thou his own glo~ die, ~ie, and die eternally;' and furely tainly it ism no Wife abol!lh th15 Law, one jot,or tittle !hall in no ofthe,p;;e from the Law till all be fulfilled. 3· Becaufeofhis alltrour and fearful Majefty,for God will have men alwayes trem• ..J 'I'ot4 fimul (d role before him, and by his terrour to be perfwaded from finning pcrfd!a p~IF lz.nowin~ therefore the terrour of the Lord we perfwade men- and {lo flit, .:8. fear him who u. able to deftroy both body and foul in hell, I fay unto you (ear hun, and · let m have grace, whereby we may ferve ,s,z9 qod acceptably with reverence and godly fear, for G~d u aeon. fumin~ fire. Upon thefe reafons God is refolved, finne fball not paffe unrevenged, left thereby his juftice fhould be fecurely a btlfed, his hatred againfl: finne the leffe declared, his truth quefl:ion- .ed, and his dreadful Ma jefiy by men negletl:ed. · 4· That every mau, notwithftanding finne, !hould not be utterly deftroyed : and that for thefe reafons, J, Becaufe of that infinite delight which the Lord hath in mercy: why, this delight is it that fo difpofeth him-to pardon abundantly, and to exercife loving-kindneffe on the fonnes of men ; · wh9 u a God lik.g unto 'I'fal.te').fl. thee, that pardoneft iniquity, and paf{eft by the tranfgrej]ion of the remnant of thy herit~tge,thou retaineft net thy anger for ever, ;r becaure thou de/i11hufl. in ~mercy. And,! am the Lord which ex- ~er.9·%4· ~· b J' ercife loving-k.Jndnef{e., judgement and ri.ghteoufne.ffe in the earth, for in thefe things I delight, faith the Lord. 2. Becaufeof that delight which God hath to beaCl:iveiy glorified by ,his creatures John 1 ~. s; voluntary fervice and fubj~Clion; herein u my father glorified, ~.zek.n 11 , if ye bear much fruit; and I have no pleafure in the de~tth of the wick.fd; but that he turne from hu wAy and live. He delighteth moil: in unbloody conquefts, when by his patience, and goodneffe, and forbearance he tubdueth the hearts,affedions,and confciences ot men unto himfelf' he efteemeth himfelfmore glorified in the fervices, then in the fufferings of men, and therefore in this eternity he refolves not to de!l:roy all men,left there fhould be no Religion upon the earth; when the Angels fell, they fell not all, many were frill left to glorifie him atl:ively in their fervice ofhim, but when Adam fell, and mankin9 fell ·in him; fo that there was no tree in this Paradife left to ~ring forth any fruit unto God . and this is moft certaine that God would rather haYe ' his