Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Bookii. Looking tmlo 1-eftu. Chap.J .Sed:.6 ·Ctnpe, and ever Gnce the fall, man and ftnne are as infeparably ' joyned together liS fire and lieat; yet God will have mercy on .the man, and he will take vengeance on the Gnne; the etern:tl wifome ofGod hath found out a way to tranflate this mans ftnnes on another p~rfon who is able to bear them, and to intereft this mans perfon in anothers righteoufneffe which is a·ble to cover him; fo that now a:Ws one in regard ofman, as if the Law had .been utterly abrogated ; and all's one too in regard of God, as if the creature had been utterly condemned. And all this is done in our 'fe[l#; on him was executed the curfe of the Law, by him· .was fulfilled the righteoufneffe of the Law, for him was remitted the finne ofman, and through him were all things made new again : the world was in ChriH as in its Surety,making fatisfaCl:ion to the juftice ofGod; and God was in Chrift as in his Embafla- . . dour, reconciling the world unto himfelf again o !3ri~r: o the ;)Romans, 11·3 r depths of the riche-s both of the wifdome lind k_nowledge sf God: how unfearchable are his jud~ements, and hu wayes pafl finding out? You have feene the ' ProJect , and the.counfels ofGod for .mans falvation, before all worlds; it is but dimly, for who h.rtb ;~omans IH4 !Qiow11 the minde of the Lord ?or who hath beene his counfellour.? . :SECT. VI. The foreknowledge. . ~ I OF the foreknowle8ge otGod in ·this refped: we read in Scrip- :ACl:s i, 1.j tures Chrifl is faid•to be delivered by the determinate wm- [eiand fo:ek!lowledge of God. And it is faid ofChrifts members, the CR.omans -8, z9 cAlled acC'ording to his purpofe,whom he did fordznow: and elfewhere in .the fame 'Epil.l:le,God hath not cafl away his people, which he fore- ,ltomlns H. z :k!lew. . "And Peter_write.s to the ftrangers elea,according to thefore_- ~ · P~t· 1 • 1 • !kzicw'ledge of Got/; the Father, Underfland, that forek_nowledge ts · afcrioed to God in refpeel: of the creature properly; but tn refpect ofGod there is nothing pail:, nothing_ to come; all thin8s pall, and all things to come~re prefent to htm, a~d therefore tn that fenfe he cannot be fatd to any thing. Now the Lord in refpeel: ofus is faid in Scripture to fort~now things or perfollS tw'o wayes. - ' · -- z. Ge-: