936 Book.IV .Part.VI. LIDklnguntD1tf111. Chap.1.Setl.s Heb,S.·t, Hcb.p. Heb.8.4. What ilgrmn.ent thtre i4 hetJPixt .C,hrifl.s inttrcelfiot~s, 11ntl . the mterceffions of the htgn Prti/fs of Old. 5· w· Hat agreement is there betwixt the interccffions of Chrifl:, and the interceffions of the high Priefl:s of Old ? Among the Jewes in the times of the Old Tefl:ament, they had an high Priefl:, who was in all things to ftand betwixt God and them. Now as the }ewes had their high Priefl: to intercede-for ' them, fo the Lord Jefus was to be the high Pricfl: ofour Chr~ftian profeffion, and to intercede for us; it will therefore givefome light to this doB:rine of interceffion , ifwe will but compare t:hefe two, and firfl: confider, what . agreement betwixt Chrifl: and the high Priefts ofOid; betwixt Chrifts interceffion, and the high Priefl:s interceffions ? I. Chrift and the high Priefts of Old agreed in name; not Mely they, but Chrift himfelfis called an high Pri~ft, JPe have 'fuch an high Prieft, who i4 {tt down lit the right hand ofthe Majrfl:y on high. --Confider the Apoftle tmd high Priejl of our profijfion, {efus (hrift. - Thou art a Prieft for tver lf[ter · thtordero{ Mrkhi~eduh. The Old Prieft.hood of A~tron was tranflated into the Prieft.hood ofJefus Chrift; fo that he was a Prieft as well as they. , 2. They agreed in office; that confilled oftwo parts, obla,;; tion and prefentation; I. They offered a facrifice; and fecondly, they prefented it in the holy ofholies with prayer and intercef. fion unto God; the one was done without, the other within the holy of holies; and in anfw~ thereunto there are two diftigd parts ofChrifts Priell-hood : r. The offering of himfelfa facrifice upon the Cro£fe: 2. The carrying of himfclf and ofhis blood into the holy ofholies, or into the heaven of heavens; where he appears and prayes in the force of that blood ; and this was fo neceflary a part of hii Pridl:-hood , that without this he ·had not been a compleat Prieft , for if he were on eArth , he fhould not be aPrieft , that is, ifhe fbould have made his abode upon · the earth , Le fbould not have been a compleat or perfed Priell, feeing this pare of it ( which we call the prefentation, or inter- -- - - - -- --·- -- -- ~effion)