Cbap.t.Se6t.) LopkJngunt~1tfut. Book.IV. Patt.VI. 937 <effion) lay il:il! upon him to b~ acted in heaven. And indeed this p1rt of his Priell-hood is of the two the more eminent; yea, the top and height of his Priei1-hood; and therefore it is held forth to us in the types of both thof~ two orders ofPriell.hood that were before him,· and figures of him, both that of Aaron, and Melcbiz.edech. I. This was typified in that Levitical Prieft. hood of Aaron and his fellowes; the highei.Hervice ofthat office was the eoing into the holy of holies, and making an atonement there; yea , this was the height of the high Prieil:s honour, that he did this alone , and it conftituted the difference betwixt him as he was high Prieft , and other P rieih ; forthey killed and offered the facrifices without as well as he, but only the high Prieft was to approach the holy of holies with blood,and that but once a year. 2. This was typified by Melchiz.edechs Prieft,hood, which the Apoftle argues to have been much more excellent than that of Aarons, in as much as L evi,A11rons Father, payed tyths to thi~ Melchiz.edech in Abrahams loynes; 'now Melchiz.edech was his type, not fo much in refpect of his oblation , or offering facrifice, as in refpecr of his continual prefentation and interceffion in heaven; and therefore the fame daufe, for ever, ftill comes in when Melchi:.:.edech is named , thou art a Prieft for ever ajt£r the order ofMelchizedech. Here then is the agreement be- Heb:f6• . twixtchriftandthe high Priefts of old; ·in refpectofname.- 7• 1 7~ both were Priefis, and in ref peel: of Office, both had their oblations, and prefentations, or interceffions with God in glory. . · 3. In the poynt ofinterceffion they agreed in t'hefe particu. lars.- t. The high Priefts ofold ·; ufually once a year , went into the moft Holy place within the vail ; and fo is Chrift our great high Prieft paffe.d into the heavens within the vail, even into the holy of holies. Chrifo by hu own bloodentered in once into the HolJ pl~tce.-Not into the holy placu made with h11nds, which are the figures of the true, but into he11ven it fe/f, now to appear i11 the pre- Heb. 9· 11,Z4; fence ofGodfor us. 2. The high _Priefts of old had a plate of pure gold upon their , whtch was to bear the iniquitpfthe holy things , that thq 'mght be accepted before the Lord; and fo doth Chrift beare Exod . tS.j 8. the eniquity of our holy thing,. Spiritual Chriftians ! here is _ D d d d d. d your,