Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.I.Sedl.6 Looking unto 1efw. BooidV,Parc.VI. 9~9 now he intercedes for them; l1e keepes them c!ofe to his heart and there is none {hall pluck them out ofhis hands, for whom h; loves, he love; unto the end. Thus far of the agreement betwixt John xp. Chrifts interceffions, and the interceffions of the high Priefts of old. , / ---...,;.__._..,..--~------:---- SEC To 6. What the difference io. betwixt Chrifls interceffion1, .ind the inttrceffions ofthe high Priefts ojtJ!d. 6. W Hat is the difference betwixt Chrifts interceffiong,' and the interccilions of the high Prieth of old? There is no queftion, but howfoever they mi f,ht agree in fome refpetl:s, yet Chrift officiates in a more tranfcendent and eminent way than ever any high Prieft did' before him ; now the difference betwixt Chrift and them, and betwixt Chrifts intercelfions and their interceffions, may appear in thcfe par. ticulars. - 1. They were called h~~h Priefts, but Cbrift iscalled thegreat Heb.4.1~ high Prieft; fuch a title was never given to any but Cllrift; whence the Apoftle argues for the fteadfaftnefle of our profeffion, feeing then that we hAve 11 great high Prieff,thAt i1·paj[ed intothe heavens, J e[Hs the Sonne of God , let HI hold[aft our prQ~ feffion . . z. The high Priefts then were Aaron and his fom;Jes , but Cbrift our great high Prieft is the Sonne of qod ; for fo he is ftyled in the fame verfe, the great high Prieft that is palfed into the heavens, Jefm the Sonne ofGod. Heb.4.14~ 3. The high Priefts then were but fora time, but Chrift is 11 Prieft for ever after the order of Melchi:udech. Melchiz..edech Heb.~.6. ( faith the Apoftle) wM withont fnther, without mother, without Heb.7+ defcent, having neither begi»ning of daJes, mr end of life. That is, as farre as it is known; and fo is Chrift without a father on earth, and without amother in heaven; Without beginning and without end ; he abides a. Prieft perpetually , even to tlle end of the world; yea , and the vercue of his Prieft- . D d d d d d z hood