Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

940 Book .IV.Part. VI. .Looking unto Jiftu. Chap. r.Sed.6 -------------------~--------~---------------- hood., is infinitely beyond . all time , even. for ever and ever.. '· 4· The high Priell:s then entred. onely into· that place that was typically holy, but Chrift is entred into that p!ace that is properly holy ; he is entred into the he a s, or ( if you will) as into the holy of holies , fo to the heaven of heavens, · 5· The bigliPrieftsthen did not alwayes intercede for the people; onely once a year tbe high Prieft entred into the holy ofholies, and after he had fprinkled the mercy-feat with blood, and,caufed a c-loud to rife upon.the.mercy-feat with his prayers and incenfe, tbeo he went out of the holy ofholies, and laid afide his garments againe, but our great high Priefi is afcended into the holy of holies, never to pur offhis princely- prieftly garments : nor does he onely once a year fprinkle the mercy-feat . with his facrifice, but every day; he lives for ever to intercede; Oh what comfort is this to a poor dejeCted foul ! ifhe once undertake thy caufe; and get thee into ·his prayers, he will never leave thee out night nor day; he intercedeth ever, till he lhaJl, l!ccornplilh.and.finilh thy. falvation; the fmoak of. his.. incenfe afcends for ever without interrniffion. . 6. The high Priefts then interceded not for fins ofgreater inftances; ifa man finned ignorantly there was indeed a facri- . fice, and interceffion for him, but if a milt~ finned pre(ump• Numb. I $• 3°• tuouflJ, he was to 6t cut ~fffromamong hu people ; nofacrifice, no interceffion by the high Prieft then ; but we ~ave fuch an high Prieft as makes interceffions for all finnes _; every finne though. it boyle up to blafphemy ( fo it b~ ootagainft·the Holy Glhoft) (hall by the vertue ofChrifts interceffion be forgiven. In that e(ay there foal/ 6e afountain opened to the hotife of<JJ~tvid, ~tnd to the Zach,q . r. inhabitants of 'feru(11lem for Jinne, and for uncleilnneffe , ( i . ) (or_finnes :ofall forts. Verily I fay untoyou, a!/ Jinnes, foall be Mark3, 18• . forgivrn unto thefonnesof men. ( i. ) Scarlet finnes, orcrimfon finnes ;. finnes ofthe deepeft dye fltall by.Chrifts interceffions be . done away ; the voice of his blood fpeaks better things thaa the blood of Abel; it intercedes for the abolition. of bloody fins. · 7• The high Priefts then interceded not without all thefe ma· L~v. t6. 3• · 1 · .o1 T I I t"ena s, :''~· a emp e, an A tar; a Sacrifice ofa young Bul- - · · -. lock.