Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

€hap.r.Secc.6-. Mokingunto1e(&U. Book.IV. PaH.VI. 94I lock for a Gone-offering, and a Ram for a burnt-offering; a Ccnfer full of burning coates of fire taken off the Altar, a purt•ng the incenfe upon the fire, that the cloud of the incenfe might cover the mercy-feat; a fprinkling the mercy-feat with the blood of the Bullock, ·aad of the Goat with their finger feven {imes, fuch materials,they had, andifi.1ch aCtions they did, which were all difiinCl: as from themfelves; but J efus Chrift in his interceffions now needs !)One ofthefe materials, but rather he himfelfand his own merits are infiead of all. As, I. He is the Temple, either in regard of the Deity, the gold of the Temple being fanctified .by the Temple, or in regard of his humane body, deflroy this 'Temple, ( faith Chrill) and I will build it again in three dayes ; it was deftroyed, and'God found it an a·cceptable f.acrifice, andfmeltinita-fweetfavouras ina Temple. 2. He is the Altar according to his :Deity, for as the Altar fanCl:ifies the gift, fo doth the GodheJd fanCl:ifie the manhood; the Altar muft needs be of a greater dignity than the oblation, and therefore this Altar betokens the divinity ofJefus Chrift. 3. He is the facrifice moft properly according to the manhood, for although b.y communication of properties the blood of the facrifice is called the blood rf God, yet properly the humane foul AB: s and fle{h of Chrift was the Holocaull:, or whole burnt-offering, .~o. ~ • rofted in the fire ofhis Fathers wrath. 4· His merits are the d oud of incenfe, for fo the Angel Chrift is faid to h41ve a golden Cenfe~, and mHch incenfe, thAt he ~ou/d offer it with the prayerJ of Rev,B • . • all S~tmtJ upon the golden Altar whzch WtU 6efore the ThrDI'Je; ana 3•4 the[mok.g ofthe incenfe-whichcamen>itk the pray ers of the Saints ll{cended.up befor~ God out of the Ange(J ha'!d : the' merits ofChrift are fo mmglcd With the prayers ofh1s Sames, that they perfume the1r prayers , and fo they finde acceptance with God his, We fee now the difference betwixt Chrifts interceffions, and the interceffions of the high Priefl:s of old. D d d. d dd 3