Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

94z Boo1dV.Part.VI. ~ooklnguntofeft~s. Cbap.x.Sea.7 I Tim.:..), John 14·16. John x6. 7· James 4 )· S E C T. 7• what the properties of tbu interceffion of Chrift are. 7· wHat are the properties of thisinterceffion ofJefus Chrift? I anfwer. - 1, It is heavenly and glorious : and that appears in thefe particulars. 1. Chrift doth not fall upon his knees before his Father, as in / thedayes of his humiliation; for that is not agreeable to that glory he hath received; he on_ely prcfents his pleafurc to his Father, that he may thereto put his feal and confcnt. 2. Chrift doth not pray out of private charity as the Saints pray one•for another in this life, but out of publick office ofmediation, there id one God, and one Mfdiatour he tween God and man, the man (hrifi {e[Uf. 3· Chrift prayC!s not out of humility, which is the propofing of requefts for things unmerited, but out of authority, which is the deliring 'ofa thing, fo as withall he hath a right ofbefiowing it, as well as defiring it. 4· Chrift prayes not meercly as an Advocate, but as a propitiation too; Cbrifts Spirit is an Ad,vocate, but onely Chrift is Advocate and propitiation; Chrifis Spirit is our Advocate on earth, bot onely Chrifi in his perfon applyeth his merits in heaven, and furthers the caufe ofourfalvation with his Father in heaven. In every of thefe refpects we may fee Chrifts interccffion is heavenly and glorious. · . z. It is evet: effectual and prevailing : as he hath a power ·to intercede for us, fo he hath a power to conferre that upon us for which he intercedes. I will pray the Father, and h~ foal! givepu another Cqmforter. IfI go not away the Comforter will ~ot come untoyou, b11,t if I dep.1rt I willfend him unto 7ou. If Clirrfl: pr.ayed on earth, he was ever heard, but if Chrift pray in heaven, we may be fure the Father ever heareth and anfwereth there; when Chrifi as man prayed for himfelf, he was heard in that which he feareth , but nowChrift as Mediatour prayingfor m, l1e is ever heard- in thr very particular which be defiretb. We finful men many a tirne. ask. and receive not, becaufe we as& amiffi, that we may fonfume it uponourlujls; butJefusChrift never