Chap.x.Seci-7. LDokingrmto;_fefm. Book.IV. Parr.VI. 943 never askesamilfe, nor to wrong ends; and therefore God the Father who called him to this office of being (as it were ) the great Mafferof rrquefts in behalfof his Church, he promifed to John u.41 ,4z. hear him in all his rcqudl:s. Father, I th11nk.e thee that h , - thou haft heard me, 11nd I ~ow thou heareft mei!llwayeJ, faith Jo n 11 ' 4:.. Chrift. • · · 3. It is of all other the tranfad:ions ofChrift, till the very end ofthe world, the moft perfed:ive and confummate: indeed fo perfed:ive,that without it all the other parts of Chrifts Medi- · atourili!p would have been to little purpofe. As the facrifices under the Law had not been of fucb force and efficacy, had not the high Prieft entred into the holy place, to appear there, and to prefcnt the blood there unto the Lord ; fo all that ever Chrift did or fuffercd upon earth, it had been ineffeCl:ual unto us, had he not entredinto heaven toappearthere in the prefence ofGod for Heb, 9; 11-. us. Surely this interceffion is that which puts life into the death ofChrift : this interceffion is that which ftrikes tne !aft ftroak ,. during this world, in the carrying on of our foules falvatiqn, and makes all fure. It is a witty obfervation that one makes of Goodwin; thefe feveral fteps ofChrifts ad:ings for us;, as firft, there was an Chrift fee all.fufficiency in his .dea~h, who fh~ll condemne? it is Ch~ift ~hat ~:·a. : J1ed. 2 . A rather m hu re!urr~Cl10n, yea rather, that IS nfen · 34 again. 3. A much rather in his life and fellion at Gods right hand, for if when we were enemies we were reconciled toGod b J the Jeath ofChrift , much rather being reconciled we fha/1 beJav ed by R hu life. 4· The Apoftle rifeth yet higher to A fiwing lo the ut- om>· ro, moft, and puts that upon his interceffion, wherefore he is able to [11ve m to the utmoft, feeing he ever liveth to makt intercrffion for m. If in the former were any thing wanting, this interceffion Heb.7·1 S· of Chrift fupplies aU ; it is the Coronis, which makes aU effed:ual; it !aves to the uttermoft, for it felfc: is the uttermotl: and higheft ftep ; on earth Chrift begins the execution of his office, in heaven he ends it ; in his life and death Chrift was the meritorious caufe, but by his intercefiion chrift is the applying caufe of our foules falvation. In this very in.terceffion of Chrift is the confrimrhation and perfed:ion of the Prieft-hood ofthrift. 0 then how requifite and necell'ary muft. this needs be ? .. 4. It is gracious, and full of bowels; Chrill:s interceffion, and - · - -- · indeed