944 Book.IV .Part. VI. L6okingunto1eft~~. Chap.x.Sett.7 Heb 4· t f• Heb .:. I7. indeed Chrifts Prienlyoffice is ered:ed, and fet up on purpofe, for the reliefofpoor diftreffed linners. There is no mi_xture of terrour in this bleffed office ofJefus Chrift, and this doth diitinguifh it from his other offices. Chrift by his Kingly office rules over the Churches, and overthe world; but all obtaine not mercy whom he thus rules over ; Chrift by hts proph'l:tical office comes to his own, but many of his own received him not ; but now wherever the Prieftly office ofJefus Chrift is let forth upon a foul, that foul fhall certainly be faved for ever. 0 this Prieftly office ofChrift is an office ofmeere love and tender compaffion: Chrift (faith the Apoftle) is fuc hAn high Prirft, .as cnnnot but be touched with the feeling ofour infirmities. Oh he is a merciful, and a faithful high Prieff in things pertaining to God, to ma~ reconciliation for the finnes ofthe pe~ple. He is merciful and exceed· ing compaflionate; in all our ajfiiClions he is ajflilled; --- and in his love, and in hi,- piry he redeemed us ; and in his love and pity he intercedes for us. - SEcT.8. Wherei» the i»terceffion of ChriH confi{h 8. v vHerein more efpecially doth the interceflions of JefusChrift confift? fome fuppofe that Chrifts very being in heaven, and putting God in mindeofhis aCI:ive and paflive obe!!•it;nce by his very prefence, is all that interceffion ' that the Scripture fpeaks of. But I rather anfwer in thefe par. ticulars. As - . - I. Chrifts interceflion confifts in the prefenting of his perfon ferns; he-himfelfwentupto heaven, and prefented himfelfe; the Apoftlecalls this, an 11ppearing for us; Chrift is not entredin· to the holy place m111de with hands, but into he.wen, now to 11ppearin theprefenceofGodforus. I beleeve there is an'Emphafis inthe word, nppearing form. But how appears he for us? I anfwer. I. In a publick manner; whatfoever he did in this kinde he did it openly and publickly; he appeares for us in the prefence of God the Father; he appeares for us in _the prefence of his Saints andJ Angels ; heavens eyes are all upon him in .his ' appeanng