Chap:r.Sed.8 Losldngunt~1tfru. Book.IV. Part.VI. 945 ----------------------------~----------------------- appearing for us. 2. He appeares for ~sas a Mediatour, he flands in the middle betwixt .God and us; hence it is that he is God man, that he might be a Mediarour betwixt God and man. 3.He appeares for us as a fpoufor and a pledge; furely it is a comfort to a man to have a friend at Court, at tbe Princes elbow, that may own him and appeare for him; but if this friend be both a Media tour and aSurety: aMedia tour to regudt for him, and a Surety to engage for him, 0 what ,comfort is this? thus Chrift appeared in eve(y refpect; he is a Mediatour to requeft for us; and he is a Surety to engage for us : as Paul was tor . Om.fimHI a Mediatour, I befeech thee for my [on Onejimm; and a Phtl. .9 ro. Spoufor,If he have wr1nged thee, or owe th;e out,ht, put that on my ver.,s,, .9· 11ccount, I will repay it . So is Jefus Chrifl: for his Saints, he is the Medi,mur~f.1 betur Covemmt, Hc:b. 8. 6. and he u a Snrety ofa Heb. 8. 6, better Teji11ment, Heb. 7· 22. 4· He appeares as a Solicitour, Heb.7.u, to prefent and promote the deGres, and requells, of the Saints in fuch a way as that they may finde acceptance with his Father. He is not idle now he is in heavfrt.,; but as on earth he ever went about doing good ; fo now in glory he is ever about his work of doing good; he fpeods all his time in heaven in promoting the good of his people, as from the beginning it was his care, fo to the worlds end it will be his care to folicite his Father in the behalfe of his poore Saints: he tells God, Thm and thm it iJ with hiJ f.oore membcrJ, they t!lre i~J want. in trouble, in diftrrffe, in ajfliElion , in reproach ; lind then he prefents their fighs, fob~, prayers, team, and groans ; and that in fuch a way as that they may become acceptable to his Father.- 5. He appeares as an Advocate: ifan7 m11n.fin, we have an Advicate with the Father, [efw Chrift the righteom. An Advocate is more than a Solicit'Or; an 1 Joh. ~.1. Advocate is one that is ofcounce! with another,and that pleadcth hiscafe in open court; and fuch an Advocate is Jefus Chrifl: unto his people. I. He is of counce! with them; that is one of the titles given him by th_c Prophet lfaiah: "':'onderful,('ounfel~our; Ila 6 , he councels them by hts Word and Sptnt. 2. He pleads for ·9 them, and this he doth in the high Court of heaven, at the bar ofGods own jufiice, there be pleades their cafe ; and an{wercth all th,e accufations that are brought in by Satan or their own confciehces; but of this anon.- 6. He appeares as a pub! ike ag~ nt, or Ledger-Emba1fadour; what that is, fome teU us in E e eeee thefe