_946 Book.IV Parc.vr. 'Looking unto1eft~~. Chap.r.Sett. Rom.;.r. llhil.I .19. thefe particulars ; I. His- work is to continue peace ; and fureIy this is Chrifrs work-; he u our pe11ce (faith the Apofrh!) that is, the authour ofour peace ; he purchafed our peace, and he ma-intaines our peace with God ; to this purpofe he fits at Gods right hand to intercede for us, and to maintaine the peace and union betwixt God and us; therefore being juflified b7 faith, we h11ve peace with God through oul' Lord 'fe{us Chri.ft. 2. His work · is to maintaine intercourfe and correfpondency; and furely this is Chrills work alfo; by him we htrve 11n llccejfe unto the Father.-- ]~ him we have boldnejfe 11nd ltcceJJe 11ith confidence, .by the faith of hzm ; the word accefJt] doth not only figmfie comtng to God in prayer, l>ut all that refort and communion which we have with God, as united by faith to Jefus Chrill; according to that, Chrift hath once fujfered for fins, the jnft for the unjuft, that he might• britJg u1 to God. "!=his ?enefit have all beleeversin and by Chriil, they come to God by htm, they have free commerfe and intercourfe in lteaven.- 3. His work is to reconcile .and take up emergent differenees, and this is Chrills work alfo; he mak§th interce!fimfor the_tranfgref[ourt; he takes up the diflerences that our tranfgreffions make betwixt God and us. 4· His work isto procure the welfare of the people or State where be negoti• , ates ; and this is no leffe:Chrifh work, for he feeks the welfare of hiS" people, he fits at Gods right hand to intercede for them and commending their eftateand condition to his Father, he ~ak-es it his requell to his Father that his members may ha-ve a contint~~tl f-upplJ of the Spirit of'fefm Chrift; that they may be firengthened in temptations, conflrmed'in tribulations, delivered from every evil work,.enabled to every good duty, and finally preferved unt~ his heavenly.Kingdome. 2. Chrifts interceffions confiffs in the prefentiag of his· wounds, death and blood, as a publike fatisfaCtion for the debt of finne ; and as a publike price for the· purchafe of our glory. _ There is a quefHon amongft the . Schooks whether Chrift bath not taken his wounds; or the fignes, skars, and prints of his wounds into he:wen with !rim ? and whether Chrifr in reprefent- .ina thofe wounds, skars; and prints unto his Father doth not tli~reby intercede for us? fome I am fure are for the affirmative• ..tlq_uinM diftinguiihech ofChrifrs-interceffion a& being three-fold, the.