Chap.I.Sett.8 Looking unto 1ifm, BooidV,Part.Vl. 947 the ftrfl before his pll}Jion by devout prayer, and tbeflcond',tt bi.t .. pa!Jion bJ ejfujion ofhis blood, and the third after his afcen.Jion 6y the .Aqttt• zn 'fofl• reprefentiltim of his wounds, and Jfz~rs. Howfoever thiS hold c. ~. (for 1dare not be too confiCient without Scripture ground) ye~ this J•dare fay that Chrift doth not only prefent himfelfe, but the facrifice of himfelfe, and the infimte merit of his facrifice. When he went to heaven he carryed with him abfolucely the power, the merit, the vertue of his wounds, and deat~, an_d blood into the prefence of God the Father for us ; and wtth hts blood he fprinkled the mercy-feate (as it were) feaven times. W't reade in the Jaw, that when the high Prieft went within the vayle; he toc/z,the blood of the but!oc/z, andJPrinkled it with his finger upon the mercy-feate Eaflward: aml before the mercy·fttue he f}riiik._led Levir.16.r4. the blood with his finger feaven times: not only was the Prieft to kill the bullock without the holy of holyes, but he was to enter with the blood into the holy ofholyes, and to fprinkle the mercy. feate therein with it; furely thefe were patternes of things to 6e dune in the heavms; Chrifr that was flaine and crucified without Heb 9· ~ 3. the gate, carryed his own blood into the holy of holyes, or into 1 3 .IL· the heaven of heavet:ls, for by his own blood h? entred in once into H b the ho!J place, hA:v_ing ob:ained. eternal redemption for us; and chi. c •9• t%~ ther come, he fprmkles tt (as 1t were) upon the mercy.feate, (i.) he applyes it, and obtaine» mercy by it; by the blood of Chrift Gods mercy and juftice are reconciled in thcmfelves, and reconciled unto us ; Chrift fprinkles his blood on the mercy-feate feaven times; feaven is a note of perfeCtion ; where Chrifts blood is fprinkled on a foul,. that foul is fure to be wa1hed from all filth, and at la1t to be perfed:ed and faved to .the very utmof.l: : Chrills blood was (hed upon the earth, but Chrifrs blood is fprinkled now he is in heaven ; what ? is any foul fprinkled with the blood of Chrift; furelythis fprinkling comes from heaven. fo the Apollle, butye are come to mount Zion, and unto the City oj the livi~tg God, the he.<~ven!y {eru{tdem,- and to !efus the Medi. Heb.r:, a, t4 11tour of the new coven:tnt, and then it follows, to the blood of Jprinkjing, that}; better things than that of Abell. It is upon mount Zion where this fprinkling is ; there is Jefus at Gods right hand, there he fiands (as it were) upon the mount and there he fprink\es his blood rou~d about him ; heaven is "~II Q.e- L . fprinklc:d, as the: mercy-feate 111 the holy of holyes was ; the cw.tG·I4.!9 E e eee e 2 eal'th