Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

94s Book IV.Part. V.I. Looki11g nnto 'jeftU. Chap. 1.Se6: 8' earth i~ all befprinkled,as the Altar OULOt the holy ofholyes was; heaven and earth are all befprinkled with the blood ef Jefus, fo that the Saints and people ofGod are no where, but their dores, and their poih, and houfe> (I meane 'their.bodyes, and iouls) are all befprinkled with the blood of rhe Lamb flaine from the begioning of the world. Why, this is that blood of fprinkjlng thnt Jptt~kf bwer things t h,m th11t of Abel. Marke, that Chrifis blood hath a tongue; it fpeaks, it cryes, it prayes, it intercedes; there's ~orne agreement, and fome difference betwixt Chrifis blood and Abds blood. r. The agreement is in thefe thing$ ; Abel./' blood was abunGen.4. to. dantly filed, for fo it is faid, the voyce of'bioods ; and Chriil:s b!ood was let out, with thornes and fcourges, nayles and fpeare, it was abundanti¥ fhed: Againe,Abels blood cryed out, ye:J. it made a loud cry, fo that it was heard from earth to Ireaven, , te voyce of Geo 4 ro. th] brothers bloods cryerh unto me from the ground; and Chriil:s blood cryeth out, it makes a loud cry, it fills heaven and earth with the noyfe, lea the Lords eares are fo filled with it, that it draws all other founds, and rings. continually in his eares. . z. The difference is in thefe things;, Abels blood cryed for vcngance againil: Cain, but Chrifis blood fpeaks.for mercy o_n all beleevers; Abels blood was tbed beraufe he facrificed, and he and.,his facrificc: accepted ; but Cbrifis blood was {bed that he might be facrificed, and that we through his facrifice might . b? accepted: Abell blood cryed thu$,fee L6rd, and revenge; but 'Chrifts blood cryed thus, Father forgive. them (or the) /znow not · what they do '; and at this very inftanc Chriil:s blood cryes for remiffion, and here~s our comfort; if God heard the fervant, he wi)lmuch rather hcare the Sonne; if he heard the fervant for fpilling, he.will much more: hean~ the Son for faving; y:t that 1may fpeak properly, and not in figures; I~ will not fay that the -v.ery blood which Chriil: filed on the Croffe is now in heaven, nor that it fpealis in heaven; thefe fayings are meerly met:~phorical; yet this I maintaioc as real and·proper, that the power, merit, :snd vertue of Chrifis blood is prefenred by our Saviour to his Father both as a publike fatisfadion for our fin, and as a publike~ Price for the purchafe ofour glory. 3. Chrifts.interc~ffion confifi$.in the prefenting of his will, his - -rcqueft)