Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.x.Seet.S. LookJngr.mtofefru. Book.IV. Part.VL 951 them? but how are all tbe elect carried up into heaven with Jefus (' hrift, and there fet down before his Father in J efus Chrill ? I anfwer, not actually, but myfiically; when Chrifi intercedes, be takes our perfot:Js, and carries them in unto God the Father in a moft unperceivable way to us; for the way or manner I leave it to others, for my part, I dare not be too inquifitive in a fecret not revealed by God ; onely this we fay, that Chrift prefents our perfons to his Father in his own pcrfon; And this was plainly fbadowed out -by that act or office of the high Prieft, who wentintotheholyofholies, with the names .of al/theTribes ofExod.tS,rl. lfrael upon hu fhoulder s, and upon hi! breft, and this the Apoftle fpeaks out yet more plain! y, By him we have an acceffe unto the Epbef. z. 18, Father, and in him we have boldlleffe and lfcct!f~ with cm(idence : - 3. u. I fhall a little enlarge on b()th thefe. :r exts, recorded for our inftruCl:ion in the Law, and Gofpel, in the Old and in the New Teftament. Firft, we fin de in the Law, that Aaron was to put two ftonts ttpon the fhou!ders ofthe Ephod, for ftones of memorialun Exod.•S 14; to thechi! ofIfrael, andfo Aaron was to bear the namn before the Lord upon his two [boulders for a memorial. And againe ; A a· ron wM to br:are names.ofthe children of Ifrad in the breaft-pl<~te ~f judgement upon hu heart; when he went into the holy pl.,ce for a me- v~r. z,.. moria! 6efore the Lord csntinuallJ. .Here we finde the names of the twelve Tribes of Ifrael ingraven in ftones, which the high Prieft ufually took with him into the holy place , when he ap- -peared before the Lord ; firft,upon his humeral, apd then ppon his pectoral ; in both fbcwing that he entred into that place, not onely or principally in his own behalfe, but in behalf of the Tribes whom he prefented before the Lord, that they might be in _continual remembrance with the Lord; a lively type ofChrifts interceffion, who being._entred into the heavens, ,he there a ppears in the: behalfe of his eied:, and he prefents their perfons to his Father, bearing them ( a's it were ) upon his ilioulders, and upon his heart; why thus Chrift takes our pt~rfons into heaven , . and reprefents them in his own perfon to his Father. Secondly, wefindc: in· the Gofp"el a gracious promife, thathy (hrifl we have ~ccejfe untohthe P.bather,d and .~ Chrift '"ll'e h11'Ve :cc~JJe with conft- Ephef z.IS. t~ence. W ere t e wor 11cceJJe, 71'~o~ct:yAJyil, ngmfies properly a1 • 12 • manuduction, or leading by the hand to God ; an introduction, ' or bringing into God: alluding to the cuftome in Princes Courts, --- where