952. Book.IV .Part.VI. LDokingunto1ef111. Chap.x.Sect.8 1 Exod ~8. 3 6. 37· 38. where none may come into the prefence-Ch3mber, unldfe they be led, or brought in by fome Favourite or Courtier there; thus none may.have acceffe-into the prefence ofGod unleffe they be brought in by this Favourite ofheaven, the Lord Jefus <hrifr; whofe,vety office it is to bring·men unto God; he takes us by the hand, and lead$ us to the Father. q. d. Come fouleJ~ come fllongwithme, ;~na I will carry you to the .Father. Look how a chtlde that hath runne away from his father, is taken by the hand ofa friend, orofhis elder'brother, and fo brought again into the prefence of his father; ~ven fo all we having runne away from God, are by the good ha·nd ofChrift taken up, and led againe into the prefence of the Father ; he is that ladder that 'fa cob faw, upon whom we afcend into the bofome of God, and into heaven; he is that high Priefr, that takes our perfons, and beares them on his ihoulders and on his heart, fuftaining our pqfons, and prefenting our conditions unto his Father, and our Father, unto his God and our God. ) . Chrifts intercellion conGil:s in the prefenting of our duties unto God. Not onely doth he take our perfons, and leads and . carry them into the prefence ofGod, but together with our perfons he prefents all our fervices in his own perfon. Now in this ad: he doth thefe two things. , · - · I . He obferves what evil, or what failing is in our duties, and he d'rawes that out, and takes it away , before he prefentg them unto God; or as a chi!de that would prefent his father with a poGe, he goes into the garden, and gathers flowers and weeds. .z together, but coming to his mother fhe picks out the weedes, and bindes up the flowers by themfelves, and fo it is prefented to . the father; thus we go to duty, and we gather weedes and flowers together, but Cbrifr comes and pickes out the weedes, and fo prefents no thin~ but flowers to ~od the Father; and this is plainly fet forth by that ceremony of the high Priefl, in taking away the iniquity of their holy things; And thou fba/t m,;ke a plate ofpurc_gold, ttndgrave upon it lik.e the ¥ngravings of 11 Sig·· ncr, holinejj~ to the Lord; and thou /hlflt put it on 11 blew lace, that it W ti!J be upon the 0'vtytre, upon the forefront of the Mytre it fbaU be. And it {ball be on AaronJ forehead, that Aaron may bear the . iniquity ([the holy thingJ, which the children of lfrael foal!·hallfW in 11/1 their hoiJ gift:, and 1t foaO be alwa;es upon hiJforehead, th.tt .· thrJ