Cbap.x.Sett.8 Looking rmt~ 1eft~~, Booic IV,Parc.VI. 95 3 they may be atcepted before the Lord: This was the mannetofthe Ceremony, and this was tbe end o~ ~he_ Ceremo~y, that A•ron might beare and take away themt9utty ofthetr h?lythings: what was this but a type of Jefus Chnft? who Wtth hts moft ab" folute righteoufnet1e cove~etb all the defects of our good works, which are frill fpotted wtth fome d~fect ? Alas ! 11/l our righteoufnejfe are as filth) r~g1, but Chnft dr~wes out the evil of 1 . 6 6 duty, and faylings in duty, before he wtll prcfent them unto 11 ' 4 · • God. · 2. He obferves whllt good there is in any ofour duties or performances, and with that he mingles his own prayers and inter~ ceffions, and prefents all as onework interwoygn or mingled to- ,gethc:r unto God the: father. And an~the~ Angel flood at the Altllr lo;~ving a gill de, Cenfer,and thtre was gwen unto him mu,h incenf; that he fhould offer it with thepraprs d{ all Saints upon the ltev S.J,.~' golden Alt_ar, which.was before the Thrpne ;_ and the fmok.! ~f the incm(e wht.ehcame wltk the pr.1Je'I'J ofthe S11tnt1 afcended up before God out of the Angels hand. I know 'here is a contraverlie, who this Angel fhould be, that with the incenfe mingles the prayers ofall"Satnts? fome conject_ure him t? be a ct:eated Angel, in tnat the incenfe or odours are fatd to be gtven to him, and not to bG ·his own, or to have them of himfelfe: otbers fay he .could be no other but the,Angelofthe Covenant, for no Angel.does intercede or prefen: our prayers but Jefus Chrift; as fouhat which is fpoken concermng the.feven Angels prefenting the Saints prayers, lam Ra~had one ofthef!v_en holy Ang_els, whi~h prefent .the praJ• ersofrheSamtJ. Wefaytttsno canontca.J Scripture nor isit Tobitu.. Jf , authorized by any canonical Scripture; befides,I ca~not.think that the Priefts wcr.e types ~f Angels, but onely ·of Chrift : Again, howfoever theGreek Copies fo read that Text, yet the antient Hebrew copy fet by P tJHius Fag ius and 'feromf! who tranflated it out of the (a/dee (as Mafter uue'ae on z echar: 4. 10. avoucheth) readesitthus, I'"" Raphael one ofthe [even Angeli, w_hick fl.a~d, aHd minifter before the glorJ of the holy One. Andcert~nlymthtsTeKtof Revel:~· 3,4. There isa figurati-ve defcrtptton of a~ heavenly fervtce, correfpondent to that which was perfQl'rned m theT~mple; namely,that the people be5 ing without at prayer, the Pneft ~ffered incenfe within upon the Altar. Luk.! x. 9, 10 . To figntfie thatBeleevm prayers have F ff ff f . alwayes