9 54 Book IV.Part.VI. looking umo :feftU. Chap. :t .Sect.&. afwayes need to be helped and fanCI:ified by Cbrifrs interceffiorr-;· and what though the incenfe was given pim? \Ve know tha; Chri(thimfelfwas given ofGod, Godfu loved the world, that he John 3 . 16. guve hiJ onely begotten Sonn,e ·, and yet this 'hinders not but that Jefus Chrift gave himfelfe, and that he gave himfelfe for an incenfe too, for fo the Apofrle, he hath given himfel(fo~· uJ an tjferEphef. >·:z.. ing andfar:rifice unto God. for an incenfe, or for afweet fmellintT favour; in this refpeCI: the incenfe might be given.him, an<! yc~ the incenfe was his own, they were onely Chrifis merits, righ· teoufneffe, fatisfaCI:ion; they are the fweet odour, by vertue whereofGod accepts of his Saints perfons and prayers; and i~ is only Chrift that prefents before God that which he is and hath he alone being both offering and Prieft ; we can think ofno othe; Prieft in Gofpcl-times, but onely Jef\}s, the fore-runner, even Heb. 6 · 2.o. [ifuJ Chrift made e1n high Prieft for ever after rhe order ofMelchi>Gedech. It is {efur, and onely 'fefuJ that prrfents our prayers, and fanCI:ifies our prayers, and mingles our prayers with his merits, and fo makes' them penetrate fweetly hefore his God. 6 . Chrifls interceliion conGffs in the prefentiilg of our plea or anfwer in heaven to ail thofe accufatiom that are brought in againft our felves. And this I take it to be the meaning of the challenge; whofoall lay any thing to the charge of GBdJelell? it iJ :Rpm.S.3;,34. Gud that juftifies; who is he that condemnerh it? it iJ Chrift·that dyed, .yea raJher.{hat it rifon a~Jin'; ~ho is even_ at .the right htind of 6od,~ who al(o makph inttrceffionfor uJ. Chn£1: mtercedes, and._ who fhall eondemne f Chnff takes off all <\Ccufations, and who ihall charge? if the Law; or finne, or Satan, fhall dare to -ac- ' eufe , our Jefus is ready at Goas 'right hand to anfwer all. Ths:re is a vilion in ZMhari'tlh reprefenting this, And the A'l'!gel foewed Zach. 3.1. me 'f ofo.ua ihe high Prieft ft.inqi,;g before the Angel of the Lord, and Sfltqnft.mding at ·his right hand to rejift him. IE was the cull:ome of the a_ccufer to fl:and at the right hand of the accufed·, Jet thou P fllfme 109 ·6 • a wickfdman over 'him, and- let- Satan· ftand at hiJ right hand; now here's Satan fl:anding at '/ofout~hJ right hand to accufe him; but whereof doth l:ie accufe him? that appears in the words following, 'fofhu_a 'WIZJ cloathed w~th filthy garmmtJ, an ordinary Vcr · 3·. :,. figne ofiinne; as a white garment 1s a figne ofChrifl:s righ[eou[- :wlfe fo is a filthy garment in Scripture, a figne of vileneffe·; ' · . - · alas !