Chap.I.Sed:.8 Lookingunto 'fe[t14. BJok IV.Pm. VI. 9 ;5 alas! {ofhud was detlled·with the pollution which he had gotten by the CQntagii>n of Babykn, a::d now at his r.eturn~ Satan la~e~. it to his charge, but J efus Chnfl: our great h1gh Pnefl: fieps m, andtakesoffthe accufation, And theLordfaidunto Satan, thever.z• .Lordrebuk! thee 0 Saran, tv en the L~rd tkat hath chofen Jerufa.:. !em rebuf<! thee ; twice h,e repeats ir. ; to thew c_he fulneffe of Chrifl:s intmeffion q. d. the Lord my God, my evertafhng Father, rebuke, and 'confound thee Satan, in this thy malicious oppofition againft my 'fofhua; and theti he goes on in his ap~- Ver.:. , logy for {ofhua, u not thu abrandpluck! outvf the fire? q. d. IS not th is one whom of my grace I have refer~ed amongfl: my people, who'm I caufed to pa!fe through the fire ofmine in~ig~ation? and fhall not my decree of grace fl:and firme and tnV!Olabh~ towards fuch ? or thus; is not this a brand pluckt newly out of the fire of affliction ? was he not in the cap~ivlty of Babylon? and is it likely he fhould be there, but he would be defiled with the touch of pith? take a brand, and pull it out of the fire, and there will be fome duft, and afhes, and filth about it; why Lord (fayes Chrifl:) this Jofhua is but newly puli'd · out of the burning , and therefore he niuft needs have afhes, and dufi , and filth about him: but come (faith Chrifl: ,to his holy Ver. 4· Angels) t;~k§ away the filthy garment from him; and come (fayes , Chrifi: to his fervant {ofoua) behold I h4ve caufed thine iniquitie Vei·, 4 , to paffe from thee, ami I will cloathe thee with change ofrajment. And thus Chrifl: too~ off the accu{ation that was brought againfi Jofbua by Satan for his filthy garments. In like manner doth our ble!fed Interce!for at this infi:ant, ifa poore Saint falls into anyGn, and defiles his garments, Satan comes in, and takes the right hand of him, and accufes him befote the Lord. but Chri!l: our great high Priefi: being at the right hand of his Father, - he takes up thecaufe, puts·in a plea, and anfwers all the accufations of the enemy, ' ' True Lord, this poore foul hatli filthy "garments, but is be not a fire~·brand newly pluckt out of the ' ' fire ? was he not in his natural and finful condition the othet" ' 'day? is he hot yet partly regenerate, and partly unregenerate? ."needs therefore mu,ft there he fome afhes, and dufl: and filth " upon him. 0 ·my Father my will is that thou co~Gder him "in that refped:, tbon knowefl: his frame and thou remembreft ~~ ~~~~ ~e is but dufr, "though he have filthy garments now upon ' Ffffff z :· him,l