Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

-Cbap.r.Sed.9. Looxingnnto1efm. Book. IV. Parr.VI. 951 cedes for his people, (God for/;id that he fhou!d evtr cea(e to praJ for hio. people :) . and he hath Gods eare in efpecial manner; if ever God lend his eare to any one , it muft needs be to *his high Prieft, becaufe of his office to intercede betwixt God and his people. Chrift ftands in the middle, or indeed next to Gad, as he is in thefe Gofpel- time5 our great high Priell ; and therefore he mull neec!s prevaile with God in every petition he puts up forus. ,. 2. That Chrift was called to this office by God. Chrift gliJ- Hcb. r. M~ rifted not himfelfe to be madt 11n high Priej}; no, no; but he wM called of Ged .u Aaron '):!JaJ; it was God the Father that defigned him to it, and that furnifued him for it, and that invefted him in it; the Lord hathfworne, and will not repent, thou art a Priefl fer Pial. 1 1o.. 4. evtr- after the Qrder of Melchi~edech. Now to what purpofe fuould G()d call him to this office, but efpecially to intercede for them, to whom God was willing to communicate falvation? it was Gods minde as well as Chrills minde to fave his Eletl; and this was the way whereon tb~y agreed; that an high Prieft tbould be appoynted, and an office of interceffion fhould be eretled, and by that means the falvation purchafed lhould be applyed; many tim-:s we are apt to conceive legal or lawthoughts of God the Father, as that he is juf\: and fevere; and that Chrifr his Son is more meek, and merciful : but this cannot be, for there are not two infinite wills, nor two infinite mercyes, ·one in the Father, another in the Son, but one will and one mercy in both. And to that purpofe obferve but the readinefsof God the Father to receiveChri{i honourably into heaven, that he might do the work of the high Pridl: there; no fooner had , (brill entred·tbrough the gates into the City, but prefently, fit thou dowN (faith God) ritht hand; but to what en0? furely no~ only to rule as King (of which we have fpoken before) but alfo to intercede as our great high Prieft; hence we findein Sc~ipture, that C~riil:s feffion and interc~fiion; his ~ingly and Heb 8 1 Pr1eftly office are Joyned together ; he u Jet on the rzght hand of · • the throne of th~ Majefty in the heavens: be? who? why, Chrift Qur high Prieft, we b3¥e fuch an high Priell who is fee down. It is as ifChrifr at his entrance into heaven had faid, . mJ Father, I am come hither ,u thegreat hi'gh Prieft, having on his lmjl-pl~tte the names of 110 the Eleff, and I come to intercede for poore {inners:; · what