Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

.· .958 Book IV.Part.VI. Louking rmto 1efus. Chap.I .Se6t.9 Heb.4. 14. Heb.s.s,6. 'fihttt /ball! have welcome 011 thefe fame termes.? to whom the Father replyed, welcome my Son, my only S-en on thefe very termes; come, fit thee down, and intercede for whom thou fleajeff, I have called thee on purpofe to this very office, und thou /bait prevai!e. Surely the Father is engaged to purpofe to heare his .Sonne, in that he is an high Prieft .to God, atld /called to his office by God. 3. That Chrift is Gods Son; ·and that is more than Gods high Prieft; he is his natural Son, his beloved Son, his Son that never gave him the leaft off~nce; fure then when he comes and intercedes for a man he is moil like to fp~ed; if a gracieus child . do but cry, my Father, my Father, he may prevaile very mqch, efpecially with a Father who is tender· hearted;' Jefus t.brifi is the gracious, precious Son of God the Father, and God the Father is a dean~, and kinde. hearted Father, how then fhould the interceffions of Chrifr but be mofr powerful with God? ' hence fome gather the prevalenc_y of Chrifrs interceffion, becaufe in many places of Scripture where this part of Chrifrs Priefi.hood or interceffion is l:ayd down, this Sonfhip is alfo expreifed orfet forth; as we have 111 great high Prieft en tred into the 'heavens,Jefu; the Son of God. --And thou art an high Prieft for ever after th~ " order ofMelchi.?:.edech. But immediately before, thou 11rt my Son, this daJ h.tve I legotten thee. 0 needs mull: the intercefiion of fuch a Soa be very prevalent: I fay offuch a S on, for was ever any fon like this Son ofGod ? was ever any fon fo like his father, or fo equal with his father? we know be is a begotten Son; and y~t never begun to be a fon ; he is the Son of the Father, and yet·never begun to have a Father; he is a branch of the King of ages, · and yet in all the ages pafr was never yonged ; furely all the relations of fon at=~d father in the world are but a fhadow of this relation bctwivt God and Chrifr; it is fo neare, that though they are two (as in all rdations there mufr needs be ref.ttum and correlatum) yet Chrifr fpeaks of them, as if they were but one . .I and my Father are one; if then theFather fhould deny him any ~ing, ~e fhouJd deny himfelfe, or ceafe to be one with his Son,t which can never be. Chriftis Gods Son, his natural Son, his beloved Son, this is my bel6ved Son in whom I am well pleafed, faith God ? Oh then how.prevalent muft Chri~s intercdfions be with God ? - - · - ··· - · ·-· - ·· \