Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

960 Book.IV.Part.Vl. L'ooklng, tmto1eft~s. Cbap.x.Sett.9 fore as fometimesChrift fpoketo his Spoufe, fo Godfpeaks to Chrift, let me fee thy countenlmce, let me he~tre thy voyce, for fwm C"n· :.•14· is thy voyce, 11nd thy c~untenance is comely. Now 9hrifts intercelllons muft needs prevayle, when God loves C hrift for his interaeffiontS fake: if before the world was made, tbe Son was his Fathers darling (for fo it is faid when he appoy11ted the !eundation1 P rov.8,29,3o. of the earth, the?J I WM by him, ~ .one brou_ght up ~t.h hi"!, 11nd I - WM di!JlJ hu debght. In the Ortgmal aellghu] tntlmattflg that the eternal Son was variety of-delights to his Father.) 0 then what delights, what variety, what-infinity of deligh~ hath God in Chrift now interceding for us?- what a dean: darling is Chrift to God when not only he ftands by him, but he reprefents to him all' the Elect from the beginning to the end of the world, q.d. ''SeeFatber,lookonmybreft, reade here all the names - ' ' of thofe thou haft given me, as Ad41n, and Abrllham, and "I[lw, and racob; of the twelve Tribes, and of the twdve ' ' A pofties, of all the Martyrs , Profeffours, and Confeffours of "the La.w and Gofpel; I pray for them, I pray not for the ~' world'J+:hilt only for them, for they arc mine; methinks I heare God-lanfwer , ' ' what my Son ! and what the Son of my ' ' womb! and what the Son ofmy vowes i haft thou begotten "me thm many fons? and arc all thefe mine? why then ask " what tllou wilt, and have what thou pleafeft; I am as ftrongiy "indined and difpofed to .give thee grant, as thou wouldft have ,; it; it is m,y joy, my delight, my pleafure to fave thefe ~· fouls, and furely the plcafure of the Lord lhall profper in thy ~· ha:nds. · · 6. That Chr4ft isGodscommander(l fpeak it with reverence) as well as Petit-ioner;. it is a phraze given to the-fervants of God, c&mmitnd ye me; and R:)ay we not give it to the Son of Ira. 4p 1 • God? Chriftians! Godisasreadyto dousferviceasjfweha-d him at command, thu u the confiden-ce thu-t "¥¥e havt inhim, that 1 Joh.s.t4. if ~e .uk .my thing accmiing to hu will he he<~reth us; and in this fenfewe ma-y boldly fay,rhat God the-Father is as ready to heare Jefils Chrift, as ifhe had him at command ; not that indeed and reality he commands God, but that inde~d and tl'l.\th be c.omm:tnds an belowGod, and he commands all in the ltead ofGod. Pfa'l ~ 6. And to this purpofe is that voyce of God, I h11ve [et my King ~tpon mJ ho!J hill ofZien; and why' my King? I dare notfay he i$