Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.I.Se6t.9 Looking unto fefm, Booi: IV,Parr.VI. 96I is Gods King, as if God were C.hrifis inferiour, orChriils fubjed:: God forbid! why then m; King~ 1 ar,fwer,. he is Gods King becaufe appoynted by God; or he ts Gods Ktng, becaufe he rules in the il:ead ofGod, the Father judgeth no mnn, but h£th 1 committed all judgen$(nt unto the S~n; God hath given away all Jo 1 ' r. u. his prerogatives unto Jefus _c hnil:, fo that ~ow ~he King of Saints can do what he wtll wtth God, and Wttb all the world • only it follows, ask.__of me, and I will give thee tke heathen fi; thine inheritance : as tf the Father fhould have fatd, I cannot dmJ thee, and yet 0 my Sonne, I would have thee tu/z; do what thou wilt in heavm, earth, and hell; I have not the heart, indeed J have t~ot the pom~r to deny thee an; thing, only ac~nowledge thu power to be originally in my fil/e, th.rt all that hQYJOur the Sonne, may hsnour the Father, llndall that honour the Father, may honour the Sm. Thefe are the termes betwixt God the Father, and God the Son; Oh then how powerful and prevailing are Chrifis interceilions with hi~ Father? if he ask, who hath power to command, there is little qudl:ion qf prev1iling in his fuite. We have heard in our dayes ofa.fuit managed with a petition in one hand, and a fword in the other, and what the effect is all now can tell. As a King who fues for peace, backt 'with a . potent Army, able to win :vhat. he intre~ts for, muft ~eeds treate · more effeCtually ; fo Chnft fumg to hts Father for his Saints . with a power fufficient to obtaine what he fues for, he muil: tfi!eds effeCt what his defires may be~ it is well obferved, that Chriff · firfl u foid t8 fit .lt Gods right hand, and then to interced~; : b~ "' treats thefalvation bf jimurs as a mighty Prince treats the giving slpofforneTown, whichlyesfeatedundera Caflleof hfo that commamls the Town; or he treats the falvation of fin.ners as a Commander treats the furrendering of a perfon already in his hands; it is beyond Gods power (! fpeak it with fubmiffion) to deny his Son in any thmg he askes; if the Lord fometimes• · cryed out to Mofes like a man whofe hands are held, let me E d alone. how much more doth Chriil:s interceffion bind Gods xo ·P· 10 ' hand;, anJ command all in heaven, earth, and hell? hence we fay, that G 1 od the F~ther ha~h divefted himfclfeof all his power, and g.ven tt1e keyes toto Chrtfis own hands, I am he that liveth Rev. to~ S. and was dead, and behold I am alive for evermore, Amen . ~tnd hlilvt the k.ers vfhe/1 anddwh; there is no man goes co heli, but he Gggggg ~