Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.x.Se~.I o LoPking rmte 1-tfu'S. Book.lV. Pari:. VI. 5 63 ----~·~----------------------------------------~ that office ; and now he is in heaven, that he fuould bid him do his office, and ask freely, , fo that if. the Elect be not faved, it {hould be layd on the fcore of Chnft, for the Father is moft willing; furely hen~ s.more thsm intimation of the Fathers inclina. Gcodn-h tion to accept of {Mifls interceJlionson ourbehtd]e: we may re-ade Cbrifi cxaLeJ. h~are that the Fathers heart ls as much towards us, as Chrifts own heart. Oh he is full of bowels, he is gentle, and eafie to be intreated;' Cbrifl: needs not much a do to get his grant; Chrifl ttdds not by hu interceJ!ion one drop of lo'Ue to the he11r1 ofGod; only he draws it out, which otherwife would h11ve bunftopt, 1:lor doth he broach it Itt fore hu Fatbet command him to it. Oh then how powerful aad prevailing muft Cbrill:s interceffions be! -------------------- SECT. IO. \of the reafon of Chrifts inmce.f!im. ro. "W. Hat are the reafons of this great tranfad:ion of Chrill:s interceffion for his people ? 1 anfwer.--- l· It is the Fathers will that it fhould be fo ; he called Jefus Chrift to this office, .the command of God is upon Jefus Chrift, ask,;what thou wiltforth] redeemed ones, I rvillingly engage my [elf to grant. only it is mJ pleafure thou /h9uldft ask,_: as fometimes he faid to the houfe of Ifrael, I the Lordhave f}okfn,nnd I will do it; notwithftanding I will yet for this be enquired of by the h9ufeof Ifrael, to do it for them; fo faith God to Chrifr, I the Lord ht~~ve JPok§n,and!willdoit, only my Son, !will beenquiredofbythee, Ezck.36·36, I look upon this as the maine reafon ofChrifts interceffiop, evm 37• f• Father, for{o itfeemedgoodin.thyjight; it's Gods will that Chriil: iliould intercede. 2. It is the Fathers fove to engage his Sonne for his own people. 0 the comfore of a found Chriftian in this refpect ! what, art thou in temptation,· or defertion? furely Chrill: is engaged by God to petition for thee; thou hall: put up many petitions to Chrift, and he hath put them all up unto God; he could do no otherwife, for he is in place an Advocate, to mention and Gg ggg g 2 pleade ·