964 Book.IV Part.VI. Looking unto1ef~s. Chap.x.Sect.Io· pleade fuch cafes as are moved tq him. Me thinks I. imagine God thus befpea king his Son ; foe thou do this poGre foul good my Sonne; , here is for him accoding to 111! he needs, onlJ .uk, acaording to what thou k._noweft will mak! him happy ; muft heh.:ve my Spirit? my comforting Spirit.? wilt no lejfe, no cheaper thing ferve his turne f then here it is. Oh how is <...hrift.engaged now to petition for them, whom God loves, and for whom he gave himfelfe.? furely ifChrift fhould leave to intercede for fuch, he would difpleafe his Father, which we know he wouldnot do, he would, undergo hell firft. · · ~· It is CP..rift~ own inclination to do his office: the p.ower that Chrift hath for the good of finners is .aece!farily. ad:ed: as the sun fhines upon all the world, and it cannot do othervvife fo Chrift the Sun of righteoufnelfe, fhines or intercedes for all" his Saints, and he cando no leffe: what is the will of the Fathe-r, is the will ofChrift, (I meane the wiU of Cbrift naturally, notartificially in a way of felfe-denyal, as Gods will is faid to be our will ) fo that what the Father would hav~ Chri!l own, he cannot but own, for the fame Spirit is in Chrift which is in the F_ather, and in the felfe-fame meafure : As God is cdptivated with love towards all captiYes, foam I, faithChrift; as God would have all to be faved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth·, fo would I too faith Chrill.· 1 he very fame bortomlefs fea oflove, that fluctuates in my Farhers brell, it is in my brc:ft, Joh·.Io. JO• for l11nd the Father are one. - · 4. It is Cbrifts honour to intercede: hereby-is the crown fee on Chrifts head, much honour and giory redounds to Jefus in this very refpeCl:. I beleeve all the work rhat's done in heaven, it is chrift interceding, and the Saintsand Angels praifing ; Ch rift intercedesfor ever, and the toure beafis, and foure and twenty Elders !ing for ever. Rev ·4 8,9, I o, 1 I . an argument of Chri fis. honour, by G;hri fts interceffion, is given in thus by Mailer Goodwit:r Goodwinf; ' hi f_i~ we~efinhot fud·rbChrifis f interkceffiAJondho~ wou ~d t ~e Ch·il\ ic(fonh officeo G nus Pne oo e outo wor .? n t uts reaton ts Heb. 7. 14, 25• more than intimated, Heb.7.24,25. this man becaufehecontir~ueth ewr, hath an unchangeablePriefi hood ; and the work of his Priefthood is interpreted, v er. 2 5. t~ rnakf inurcrjficn for ever. The meaning of thi~ is, tha t God would not have him continu:! to be a Prieft in title only, or in refpeCI: only of a fervi-ce paft, - . a~