---- ~---------------- Chap.I.Seet.Ic, Lookingunto1efm. Book.IV. Parr.VI. 965 and fo to have only the honour of Priellhood perpetuated to him, out of the remembrance of what he onct had done; But God would have him to eajoy, as the renown of the old, fo a perpetual fpring of honour by this new work ofinterceffion, and fo co preferve the verdure of his glory ever freili and green ; and the fumme of the Apoftles reafoning is this, chat feeing himfelfe - was to be for ever, fo his work of Priefthood iliould be for evtr, that fo his honour might be· preferved and continued forever alfo. 5. It is Chrifts love to his Saints: his heart is fo inamoured with his Saints, chat therefore he intercedes for them for ever; love is .u jlrong a& death ; it is never weary of doing good for che party beloved; now chrifls Saints are Chrifls love ,my Jifler, _ my love, my dove; the Saints in Chrifts books are as fo many Cam. S•Z. jewels, and they foaU be mine, fai th the Lml of hoafls, in rhtlt day Mal. 3 • 17 , when 1 makf up my jewels; the Saints are Chrills only choyce, the very flower of the earrb, you have 1chBfen out of rhe world; Joh.H.' 9· and ye arc my peop!e,my chofen; All the world is Chrifls refufe, ICq3.:o, and Kings are bur morter co bim, only the Saints are Chri£h chofen, they are they whom the Lord in his eternal councels hath fee apart for himfelfe,But lznow (faith the Pfalmifl:) r hat the L ord bath f et t~part him that is go.dly. The Saintsare C hrifls image (i.) PU 4-3the refemb!ance ofChrifl: in all that which is hischiefeexcellency, I meane in his righteoufnelfe, and holinelfe; as if I would take the pi<'ture of a man, .J would not draw it to refemble his backparts, but as neare as I could I would draw it to life the very face and-countenance; fo are the Saints the very picture, the image, the draughr of God in his top excellency. The Saints are in covenant wi thJefus Chrift, and therefore in nearer relation than any others, hence it is th~t they are called the portion ofGod, the treafure ofGod, the·peculiar p·~ople ofGod, thofe that God and Chrift fatisfie themfelves in, thofe that Cod and Chrift have fet their hearts on ; the children of God the Father, the very Spoufe and bri de-ofGod the Son ; rn fome refpcd nearer than the Angels themfelves, for the Angelsare not fo marryed to Chriil: in a myft ical union as Gods pwple are : now is it any wonder that thofe who are fo very dearc:: co Chri il:, fhonld be in the prayers of Ch~;ift? if they were fo much in h.s heart, that fometimes he ilied his blood for them, Wi ll he not now intercede for