Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

966 Book.IV. Part.VI. Lookingtmto1efm. Chap.x.SeCl.Io ~ ------.--------------------- for them? 0 yes ! to this end he carryes them on his brea£\: or heart, as neare as neare may be, that they may ·be in a continual remembrance before the Lord forever; his very love compels him to this office, to intercede for them. 6. It is Chrifisdelight to intercede for his Saints: before the world was, his delights were with the jmnrs ofmen; and.when the fu!nelfeof time came,then faid he, lo I come, in the volume ofthe Prov.8,3r. >[ d 1· h d h ·11 d Pr 1 s boo I.. it is written o me, I e Jlf t to ot 'JW1u 0 mv G':fod ·, an l J .40. 7, • "- <'> ./ wha t was th::tt , but to be with the fonnes ofmen ? he knew that ·. was his Fathers pleafure, and in refped: of himfelfe he had a delight to live with them, and to dye for them: and no fooner he entred into heaven, but there he delights to officiate fiill in be. halfe of the fons of men; he carryes their names on his heart there, and though fome of their perfons be on earth and heiwhis bodily prefence is in heaven, Jet diftance of pl?.ce cannot deaden his de~i glm in the remembrance of them; he is ever minding hi>}?ather of his people in the neather world; he tells him that they are his all in all upon the earth,all his joy ,and all his delight, and all his portion; as men uie to give portions to their children, fo God having but one Son by eternal generation, he hath given the Eled: unto him as his port ion; and .hence he makes it his great bufine!fe in heaven, to provide manflons for his portion, to take up Gods heart for his portion, to beg favour and love for his portion. Here is the joy ofchritl in heaven, in going to his Father, and tell ing him, why Fflther; I have a[malt portion yet on ritrth, and becau(c they lire on earth, t hey are {lilt finning againft th] Majrfty, but I h~ve fuffered and[111tisjiedfor their fins, tmd hither am I come, to mi;'/de thee of i,t, and cont imtal!J to get aut frefh pardons for new fins; come, look on my old fatis[artion, did.ft thou not promife ? is it not;, the Articles of agreement betwixt thee . and me , that I fbould fee of the trt~vel of my jot~ !, and jhould be fa• I La. fl · 1 1 ' 1 2 ' tufted? didft thou notfay, th4t bectJuje I po1miout my foul, there· Jere thou woulds? divide me a portion with thegreat, and the fPoyle with the flrong? 0 m1 Father ; now I make intercejflon fir the tran[gref{ottrs; give me out pardons f or an hundred, thoufand, mi/Licns ofji;qs; thou haft foid andfworne, that thou hajJ no plea[ure in the det:th of fi~ners, ana it is my plea(ure, my joy, my infinite delight tofavejinners, thefe are my feed, my portion, my redeemed c?w, and therefore let them be [a7!ed. Thus Chritl intercedes, and .