Chap.t.Sect. ; Io Lookingunto1efru. Book.IV. Patt.VI. 967 and his delight in his Saints as knowing it to be his Fathers minde draws him on to this interceffion; indeed this reafon hangs'upon that primary and firfi reafon ; it is Gods wdl that Chrifi · ihould intercede, and it is Chrifrs de·light to do the will of his Father in heaven , I delight to do rhy will 0 my God. . 7· It is Chrifts compaffion that caufeth interceffion. { hrift t1 fuch an high Plfe} (faith the Apofr lc) tU Cttflnot but be touched Heb 4• l r. with the feeling of cNr infirmities . He wa~ in tt!l poynts tempted · lik.e tU we are, Jet without fin. When he was on earth he felc our . · infirmities, frailty'es, miferyes, and as a man that hath felt the · fione, or goute, or feaver; or efpecially that .ha• felt foultroubles, cannot but compailionate.thofe that are in the like condition, fo Chrifr having had the experience of our outward, and inward fufferings, he cannot but compaffionate us ; and hence it is (his very compaffions moviAg) that he intercedesro . his Father in ~ur behalf,.. It is obferved that the very office or work of the high Prie11: was to fympathize with the people of God; only in the cafe of the death of his kindred ; be was not as others, to fympa thize or mourne; but Jefus Chrift goes beyond all the high Priefis that ever were before him; he doth fully fyml"athiz.e with us, not in fome, but in all conditions; in I ia.63 9• all our ajflitfions he u afflilled. I beleeve Chrifi hath carryed a mans heart up with him to heaven ; and though there be no paffions in him as he is God; yet the flower, the blo!fome, the excellef.lcy of all thefe-paffions, (which we call compaffions) are infinitely in him as he is God; he firiketh, and tryetil, and yet he pityeth; when Ephr11im bemoaneth himfclfe, God replyes, J; Ephraim m1 deare Jon? is he aplea(ant child? f or Jinc-e I !pake J . · ,a.h· Id ,fl.! . b h' fl' h .r. b et.~I.~o. agaenp rm, o e.trnr 1 , :y remem er un rll, t ere 1 ore my owels . .are troubled for him. Surely thert's a violence of heavenly paffion in Chrifis heart as God. man, which makes him to break out into prayer to God, and into compaffions towards men : 0 that tempted fouls would confider th is ! it ma)' be Chrit1 is giving you a cup of teares and blood to drink , but who knows what bowels, what turnings of heart, what motionsof compaffion are in Jefus Chri fi a !I the while? thofc who feele the fru it of.Ch t·i{h interceffion know th is, and cannot but fubfcri be to thts truth. 0 ye of little faith, why do ye doubt of Chri fis bowdo?