Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

968 Book. I.V. Part.VI. Looking unto 1efus. Chap. z. Self. I bowels ? is he not our compaffionate high Prieft ? hath not the tendereft, meekeft, mildeft heart of a man that God pollibly can forme, met with the eternal and infinite mercy of God him.- felfe in Jefus Chriil ? you have heard that Chrift in both nat~res is our high Pridl:,Mediatour, Interceffour, and ifeither God or man know how to comp:1Hionate, Chrift muft do it. 0 the bowels of{hrift! he i; touched (faith the ApoHle) rPirh the feeling o(our i ;1jirmi~ies ; it is an allo~on _to the roi_l~d an~ moved bowels ofGod, tn {cr. 3 I. 20. Chnft m heaven 1s burnang and flaming in a paffion of compaffion towards his weak ones, and therefore he pleads, intercedes, and praye• to God for ·them. Thus far we have propounded the objeCt which is Chrifis incercefiion ; our next work ino direCt you how to look upon J efus in this refpeCl:. · ···~···®·······••t• CHAP. II. SEcT. r. of kmwing :Je]tu as carrying on the great work of orJr Jt:lvation in his intemfjion. · 1. Et us know Jefos carrying on this great work of our falvation in his interceffion. Is it not a rare peice of knowledge to know what. Chrift is nO\v doing in heaven for us on earth ? If I had a weighty fuite at court, on which lay my dtate and life, ifl knew that I had· a friend there that could.pre. va.ile, and that he were juil: now moving in my behalfe, were not th1s worth the knowledge.? I dare fay in the behalfe of all beleevers in the world, [hrifr is·now interceding for us at the right h1nd of God ; ever fince his afcen!ion into heaven he hath been doing this work, it is a work already of above !ixteen hundred yeares; and fum mer and winter, ·night and day without any tyredneffeof Spirit Chrift hath been fiill praying, fiillinterced. ing; Chrifts love hath no vacation, no ceffation at all- yea, even now whiles you reade rhis, Chrift is atling as an Ad;ocate for you, C~1ri1l: bath your names ingraven as a feale on his heart, aod ftanding right oppofice to the eye of his Father, the firft