' Chap.2.Secr.z.• Lqokingunto 1efm. Book IV.Part. VI. 969 .firfl: ojening of the eye-lids of God is terminated upon the brell: ofJefus Chrifl:., is not this worch the knowledge ? 0 my foul leave off thy vain fiudies of natural things ! if they. do not conduce fome way or other co the right underfl:anding of this, they are not worth the while; what is it for an Ariftotle to be praifed where he is not , and co be damned where he is ? 0 the excellency of the knowledge ofJefus Cbrill: ! fuch a know~ ledge (if true) isno leffe than faving. Come, fiudy hisimerce(.. fion in all the former particulars I have run them over, for the work is fwoln under my hands, and I would now :sbreviate; onef~· remember this , that in Chrill:s interceffion are many fe· crecs which we mull: never know on this fide heaven; oh take heed of entring into this labourinth without the clew of the Wo rd ; above all defire the guid ance ofthe Spiriteo enlighten thy da.rknefs,& wh st ever thou knowell:,k.,nol\1 it flill for thy (elf. -------____.... ------..---------- S E C T , 2, Of conjidtring refm in that reJPefl. 2. L Et us confider Jef m carrying on this work of our falva.; cion in his interceffion , many of Gods people have found the benefic, and for my part I cannot but approve of ic as an excellent, quickning, and enlivening duty to be much in a way of meditation, or confideration; efpecially when we meet Pfal.Ioi;H: with fucb a blelfed fubjeCI: as this is. MJ med;tation of him /haiJ 6e fweee, (faith David) I I\> ill be glad in th1 Lor~; it is enough co ma~e a medication fweet and refrelhing, when it is conver. fane about fuch a fubjeCl: as Chrill:s interceffion ; is ic not as inceofe, a fweet odour, and perfume with God himfeff? and thai not each thought ofic be fweet to us?come,let us be ferious in this duty; and that we may do it throughly, let us confider it in thefe feveral particulars. As-- '. Confider of the nature of Cbrifis interceffion : what is it but _the gra.cious Will of Chrifi fervently defiring that for the ·;: 'Ve.rtue of h1s death, and facrifice, thy perfon and performances -rrught be accepted of God? As Chri!l on emh gave bimfelf to H bh_b hh the