~----~ 970 BookJV.Part.VI. Looking tmto JeftU. • Chap. 2 .Sect.t the death , even to the death of the Croffe for the abolition of fin , fo now in heaven he prayes the Father, bJ hid agony ana UooJy (PleAt, bJ hid crofJ tmd palfion, b] hid death .cndjacrifict, that thy (ins may be pardoned , thy fervice accepted , and thy foul faved. This is the will of Chrift, even thy jafiificati9n, fanaification, and falvation ;. and accordingly he prefentshis Will,F.teherl will that ali thofe priviltdges flowing (rom my elt4th may be a~nferrd on fuch a per(on bJ n11me; (uch a foul u noW meditating and 'onfidering ofmy intercejflon,t~nd m1 flliO.i! that hi.l verJ, mediwion may find tllcceptttnct 'lt'ith!God, 0 what workings would be in thy heart and fpirit,ifthou didft bu~ confider that Chrifi even now were fpeaking his will, that thy perfon and duty might both find acceptan~e ,. and be well-pleafing with , @od. 2. Confider of the perfon that intercedes foe thee; it is , Cbrill in both natures; . it is thy Mediatour; the midle one betwixt God and man ; in thi~ refped: thou mayil confider him-. as one indifferent, and equ&!ly incli ning to eir.bcr party, like a pair of fcales thlt h:mg even, neither fid e lift up, or depreffcd ~J.3,to. more than the other;"' ltlediatour is not of one ,(aith the Apollle, Cbrill: indifferently partook of both natures, God-head , and Man· hood, that fo he might be fit tolland in the gap between. his Father and us; he is a Priefr according to both natures; be is a Dayes-man wholly for God, and .a Dayes-man wholly for us,an4 on our fide, 3· Confider of the perfon to whom Chrift intercedes ; is it not to his Father? Thou art fure 10 fpeed well, 0 my foul, for Goll is the Father of thy incerceffour. If I had a fuite to fome Majefiy, and the Prince would but mediate· , I might hope to fpeed;Chri£1: is Gods Prince (as I may call him)and in refpcd: of Ul .' ,the firft·begotten of m<fnJ brethren; And herein is thy rejoycing. that the party offended is Chrifts own Father, and in Chrill thy: Father ; fllthers cannot be cruel to their own dear children; what mao among£1: you, whom if his fon ask bread, be will give him a fione, or if he a~k a fifb, will he give bima Serpent? if 7ethm being evil k_now how to give good giftJ Hnto your children, Mar.7•9l 10~ how rnnch more foal/ your F~ther whtch u in heaven give good • ' · thingJ to them that as~ him? and efpecially ifChrill himfelf ask? 4• Confider of the Eerfons for whom Chrill intercedes,- it · is.