Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.z .Sed:.z Locking unt' 1tfus. Book.IV. Part.VI. >-?I is for all the Eled.and in particular for thee. 0 the fweet of chis · one meditatipo! if I knew that my name were written in hea· ven , lhould I not ( ~s Chrifi bids me) rejarce i11th~? oh but Luke l0 1 lo. what is it to have my name written in the chief puc of heaven? what is it to have my name written in rhe brell:. plate of J efus Chrill? come, read 0 my foul, is it not thus written, lfaac, or or Jacoh I l b<Jve pra]ed, ana I am prAying for thtt that th) faith f11il not ? Cure I am, that I would not part with my hope ~n this priviledge for all the wide world ; the very confiderat1on of this makes me to efieem of all the world as drofft:, and<dogsmeat. And oh chacever the world,or fldh,or devil ihould fl:(al this med ic_ation out ofmy heart ! oh that ever I ihould forget that Cbrifl: is gone to heaven, chat he is entred into the Holy of holyes , and chat he carrycs my name into the prl!fence of God tbe Father ! I fpeak the fame to thee that readeft, if thou art a beIeever, there is no doubt of it, but Chrilt is fpeaking a good word to his Father in thy behalf; he can no more forget thee in his interceffions, than a mother with full brefl:s can forget her fucking chrld, that ihe ihould not have compafiion on the Conne of her womb; now if ever, loo~up to 'fe[HI, yea look, and never leafe looking , ! till thou fpyefl: thy .own name writ on his heart; it is enough to fixe thy foul, and to make it dwell on Jefus Chrift , thus carrying thee on his iliouldcrs., aad bearing thee on his bre!l-plate for a memorial unto his Father in heaven. '5· Confider of the agreement and difference betwi.'<t Cbrifl:s intercefiions, and the incerceffions of the high Priefl:s of old; they did both intercede, but Chritls incercdfions ~re ever in a more tran{cendenc, eminent way: Chrifl: is more fait1Jful in >his office and place than ever high Priefl: was ; Chrift is rQOre compaffionate and pitiful than ever high Prie!t was; and hence it is that he hub the title of wo?.vo'~<lllt.')'V@-, ·onl of m~ny com· Jam.f. 11; miferations; all is mercy,and love,and fweetnefs.,and more than - motherly affection that comes from Chrifl:. .0 my 'foul, why lhould~ thou fay ~ich Jfrael, m1 war i4 hiddm from the Lord, Ifa,40 ;:. 7 , And my JNdgement u pa.f!6a over hJ m1 God? as if J efu.s Cbrifl: had · left thee out of _the count ofhis people , and out of the roll of thofe whom he 1s to look after ? No no· he is a faithful and merciful High Prie!t; far above all' the 'hi&b Pric!ts of the Hh h bh h z - . - Old