Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Cypr. Epifr. Hier. lib. ad ver C. v i&_il• . ,- Book IV.Part,VI. · l.oO'kingunto:fefut. Chap.z.Sech I ' Old Te!l:amenr; and if they were fo careful not to leave out of their breafi·plate one name of all the twelve Tribes; how much more careful is Chrifi not to !(-ave out thy name in his inte.rceffion? frori:r this very argument of Chrifis compaffion and (:hrifis faithfulnefs; rhe Apofl:le calls on us to confider the eApoflle .fna high Pricfl of our profeffion Chrift Jefm 'Who W.u ft~ithful to him that appointed ~im, above Aaron, or Mo[tJ or any ofthe hi~h PrteftJ;why,conftder him 0 my foul; this Go: fpel-High-Priefi is well worthy indeed of thy confideration. 6. Confider of the properties of Chrifls intcrceffion ;-is it not heavenly and glorious, effectual and prevailing, am! ofall other the cranfaCl:ions of our falvation whilefi this world Jafls the mofi perfeCl:ive and confummate?O give me the interceffi· ons of Chri~ above all the interceffions of Men or Angels. I know the Saints on earth pray mutually one for another, but the.y pray n.ot in their own names, or for their own merits, ' but in the name aad forthe merits of Jefus Cbritl, and as for the Saints and Angels in Heaven, GJpria" and Jerome feem to granr, that they pray for the fiate of the Church Militant; but if fo, they do it onely of charity as brethren, not of office as mediatours ; they do ic onely for the Church in general, and not for any particular man or member of the Militant Church; fuch an interceffion as this , fo heavenly, fo eff~Cl:ual, fo perfeCl:ive of our falvation,fo authoritative and publick,found up• on the fatisfad-ory merits of the perfon interceding, is proper onely to Chrifi. I would be glad of the prayers of all the Churches of Chrifi; 0 that there were not a Saint an the earth, but that ! were by name in his morning , and eveninJi: prayer (whofoever thou art that readeft I befe(ch thee pray for me) but above all lee me have a property in thofc:.prayers and interceffions that are properonely to Chrift; I am fure then I fhould never mifcarry; Chrifis prayers are heavenly, glorious, and very effeaual. 7· Confider. of the particulars wherein more efpecially Cbrifis interceffion confi!ls ·: not in the prefencing ofltis perfon, blood,prayers,interpellations? is it not in the prefenting of his perfon,blood,prayers, interpellations? is it notfn the pre· {enting Qf our perfons,performances,pleas or anfwers to the accufations ofSuhan? men llctle think how bufie ourMediacour, - - - - - - - - · - · - Spoufor,