Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

• Chap.z.Sect.z Looking. unto Jejru. ·Book lV.Part.VI. 973 Spoufor, Solicitour, Advocate is now in Heaven for us; men ltttle think thatChrifi is appearing, and his blood is crying, and his prayers are afce~i~g '·and his robe of r~ghceoofnefs is covering us , and the mtqUity of our holy chmg5; 0 my foul, look_up, confider Jefus thy Saviour iri rhefe refpeds ! I am perfwaded if thou didfl: but know,if thou couldfl: but fee whaca deal of work Cl)rifl: hath in band , and how he carries it on for thy falvation , it would melt thy heart into very tears of joy. WhiHl: Chrin was on earth,& his mother had loft him, he could then fay, wift yen-ot that 1 muft go about mJ Fath~n bujim:[J? Luk.z.4 9 • now Chrifl: is in heaven he is about the fame bufinefs fiill, all his imployment in heaven is to intercede for us, that we may be faved; very true, there is much in this interceffion of Jcfus Ch rift ; it is a Tree ofmany branches, and every branch fruitful; fo tfllt if thou wouldfl: enlarge thy Meditation in this wide Ocean of delights , there is room enough; but herein I mufl: leave thee in the duty, for I can but point at the feveral p:micu• Iars whereon thou mayfl: enlarge ' : 0 think ont, that Chrift, and Chrifis blood, and Chrifis prayers lhould be all at work! that Chrifl: ihould play the Advocate, and plead thy caufe, and perfume thy duties with his incenfe, and take thy perfon in an unperceivable way to God his Father, and cry there, 0 m1 Father be merciful to this /inn~r ~ pardon hiJ fin , and (ave his foul for the fa4~ of Je(HJ; 0 ble!fed mediation ! 0 blefJt'rl u the man, that on this blelfed objeCl: koowes how to meditate both daJ and night. · 8. Conlidet of the power and prevalency of Chrifis interceffions with hisFather. Is he not to this purpofe a Priefi to God,and called thereto by God? is he not the Sonne: of Goc:l, yea, God himfelf? is he not Gods Darling.' Gods Commander, as well as Petitioner? nay,is not the hand ofGod himfelf in this . defign.? is not the Fathers heart as much towards us and our falvation, as Chrifis own heart? as fure then as Chrifi is gone into , heaven with thy name engraven on his heart, fo·fure ihalt thou follow him , and be with him where he is. w/,o jbtJ!l Ia] a1'Jy thing to the charge of qods £ltl1? who is he that con· dmmetl:r l where Chrifl: becomes Patron to defend againfi the fentence of damnation, it is in vain for fin, or law, or Sathan, !O ~ttempt any th~ng:fgr as an innocent perfon is fafe fo long as Hhh h hh 3 · he