• 974 Book.IV. Part.Vl. LDoklngunto1eft14. Chap.2.Setl:.z be hath his learned Advocate to ar.1fwer all objeaions; fo it is with beleevm, who hal'e Cbrift bimfelfboth Judge and Advo. cate; a fure Advocate,he ever _prevails in whatfoever he undertakes;be wu never yet"cafi tn any fuit; be hath for tbefe fixteen hundred years carried away al the caufes ofbundreds,tboufands, and millions of fouls; why he is fo dear and near to his Father that he can work him ro any thing he will; And 0 my foul if thou bafl:any relation to Jefus -ChriO: , is not here comfort? Ldare in the name of Chrifi be thy warrant , and give it under my hand, that if Chrifr pray for thee,Cbrifi will be fure to fave thee, he never yet failed, he never will fail in any ofhis fuits to God. Oh confider of this 1 • 9· Confider of the reafons of Chriils interceffion; many are given, but this may be fufficient, it id GodJ twn ordinance; the ve· ry Wifedome of God found out chis way to fave our fouls, vi<:. that an high Priefi lhould be appointed, who fhould die for finners,and afterward prefent his death to his Father by way of interceffion in their behalf. Some may look upon this as need· ldfe, what could not God have pardoned our fins, and fave4 our fouls without a Priefi? I lhall not difpute Gods power, but if any will , let fuch a one tell me what way could his own wifedomt! have found out to heaven between the wrath of God, and the fin ofmmi' I beleeve' it would have pofed all the wifedorne of the world ( of Men and Angels) to have recon:. cited Gods mercy in the falvation of man, and his juilice in the condemnation ofiin; to have poured out hell upon the fin, and yet to have beftowed heaven upon the finner;now then if God himfelf did fiudy,to find out this way, and that he hath faid, thiJ u mJ pleafure, rhat (hrifl my SDnne foaU be II Prieft, ana thAt he foa/J offer himftlf, and prefent him(t!fandhis ojferi11g, and hit pr<9er to me for hi& people ; 0 no, foul reft on this as the very ordination of God; Admire at the contrivance of God , fay, 0 the depth ! queilion on further , onely meditate, and ponder, and confider of it till thou feeleft Chrifrs interceffion. darting its influence and efficacy on thy · fin~fick foul.