Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Cbap.3.Secb. Looking msto:je(t14, Book. IV. Part.VI. 975 .. Of defiring After Jefm in that refPe£1, ;r. LEe us de fire after {cf141 carrying on this work of our falvation in his interceffion.I cannot but wonder what a duloefs feazeth on my heart, & on all the hearts of the fons of men that we have no more longings afcer"Chri!t, whofe heart is e:er panting and longing after us. Surely we do not fet our felves to find out experimentally the fweetnefs that is in ChriH; . if there were not another objeCt: to think upon, but onely this one of Chri!ls interceffion,is not here enough to puc us all into a teeming longing frame ? 0 my foul, rouze up, and fet this bleffed objed before thy face! take a full view of it until thy affetlions begin to warm, and thou beginft co cry, Oh for my pari in thrifts interce/]ion! oh I Would not be left out of Chrijfs heavenly prayer~ for ten thoufand worldJ! come and be ferious! the object is admirably fweet and precious; long for ir, pant after it! God underfiands the Rhetorick of thy bre~thiog, as well as ofth¥ cry. But what is there in Chrifts iotercefsion that is fo defireabie? I an(werI. In Chrifis intercefsion lyes the prefent cranfaelion of our fouls falvation. Such paffages as hitherto we have fpoken of are done and p~fi; the rranfatlions of eternity,were at an end when time began ; the tranfatlions of Chrifi promifed , had their period when Chrift was incarnate; the tranf· ad:ions of Chrifts birth, and life, and death, and refurrection, and afcenfion,are now above a thoufand and fix hundred years old; I know the vertue and influence of all thefe tranfactions continue, and will continue for ever and ever, but the feveral a dings had their periods; and onely Chrifts cefsion, and mi(. fion of his Spiric, and his blelfed incercefsion both were, and now are che .very prefentimployment of Jefus Chrift. Ifit were pofsible that we could fee in co heaven, if with Stephen we could look up fte~failly, and fee the hesvens opened; if our eyes by an extraordmary power were carried through that azure skfe , and through all till wecome co the Holy of Holies, and to Jefus CQrift in his glory; what lhould we fee but Chrifi inter•