976 BooklV.Part.VI. Lo~kingrmto:Jefus. Chap.z.Sea.3 10, interceding, Chrifl: bufie with his Father in his poor Saints behalf? now he prayes, now he prefcnts his perfon, merits, intercefsion, interpellation, q.d.Fat'her here are a comp@nJ of rehe!1 juftly fallen under thy dijpleajure, they dtforve to he. (et at an eternal djftan,:e from thee , but I mufl need1 have them pardoned, andreceived into thy bofome; come, ma~e thine own terwJJ, let 'fujfice rrquire never fo great (atitfaEtion , I have paid aprice fufficie.nt for all ll"'d ejfellual for them ; give them What lawJ thou p,leafoft, I I wiD nnaertak! they {haD obferve them' and to thu purpofe awa,, away holy Spirit, go tofuch and fuch {ou!J; mable them to their . dutin, yea, enable tbem in dut1, an~fanllifie them throughout in fottls, bodyn and fPirit s. Why, this ts the prefent r.ranfaction of J ~;:fus Chri{t, and therefore mofl: dcfirable; me thinks I lang co know what Chrifl: is now a-doing in heaven for my foul and is it not thus ? is not all his time fpent either _in rea'ding pardons for his redeemed. ones , or in prefenting petitions from them , and plead tog for them. Surely he is frill interceding every day,i: is his prefent work for our fouls,O deCirable work! 2. In this prefent tranfaetion lies the application o( all Chrifis former aCl:ings , whether of his habitual righteoufnefs, or of his atl:ive and pafsive obedience. All tbofe pa!fages of Chriih incarnation, conception,drcumcifion, birth,life;and death, which more efpedally we look upon, as the meritorious caufes ofour falvation, had been nothing to us, if they had not been applied by Chrifl: : tbey were the means of impetration, but Chriih interceffion_ is the meanes of application; Chrifl: purchafed falvation by thole precedaneous ads, but he poffeffeth us of our falvation by this perfedive and confummate ad: of his incerceffion. The order of this is laid down by the A· - pofi:le, in that firfi: he learma obedience, by the thingJ which he (uffered, and then b~ing made perfell , he bect~me the Amhcur (or applying caufe) of eternal falvation to aiL them that BbtJ him; being to this purpofe called of God an HighPrieft after the order of /'udchi(edeck.Now is not this rhe defirable atl: above all ocher ath? Alas! what am I better for a Mine of gold in fucb,orfuch, or fuch a fie'ld,in which I have no propriety at all?! a'm tbroughly convi nd: that Chrifi:s merits, are mofi precious meri~s. but oh that they were mine ! oh' that Chrifis interceffion would !King