Introd. The moral Lill?, was tvritteri ìz Are' Irxhiarts. Chap r6 r. There was written upon the door of the Templeof their God,Apofo ar Delphos, in theupper part of it the letters i+, that is , Thou art: fhewing thereby that God alone hath a being of himfelf, and that we depend on him; and that ifany did askCounfcl at the Oracle , they ffioud do what the God commanded, and that was fubderedeo quad commune babes cum sngelií, to fubj.efì' their Angel-like reafon to God. 2. Secondly uponone leaf ofthe Door was written ,y4.a+r,amayNofcetelpfum, know thy felf; that Man fhould take notice how muchbetter he Wa.s than beafts, and his mind than his body : andknowing his Soul to bebetter than Fe¡r"s, he fhould not abate it with vile things; and that was fubderi . ratinna, quad commune habet cum bruti , to fubdue to reafon thofe faculties which were commonwith beafts. 3. Thirdly upon the other leaf was written, Nut v àtn, d20: a Ruleoffober li= ving , agatnft covetoufnefs and profufenefs, fac quoi vi pati,`do as thou wouldft have done unto thee , to avoid injuttice. r.efirks, they hadlegem talienis , a Lawofre aliation , like for like, &neme faciainjuriam qui velitidem fibi fieri, no Man commits an injury, or doth .vrou thr.t would be willing to l:aue the like done to himfelf. And therefore who the Einperour Alexander Severne heard this fentcnce , i od tibi feri non vie, alteri ne feceris, do not that toanother which thou wouldeftnot have done to thy feff, he ever after ufed it to Malefat<tors, andcaufed it tob. graven in his Plate. And thus we fee the Heathen hadRules for their /talons, and for the whole fubftance oftheir obedience. Somuch thenfor theAO-ion. Secondly, for the manner. Toti, Torun:, Semper, or Toto tempore. 1. For 3'oti, they had this Rule among them, ë tx.r, úun/Trr, Wemuff do it withall ourmind, fteength, heart, and afle&ion, elfe not at all. z. For Tatum the whole duty. 'Tis Plutarch, comparifon, ifwe eat not up the whole Fith raaô'. it will do us nogood,but harm ; but ifwe eat it all,it will be whol. Tome, and medicinal both , b SIH xtr.he.íre*, atae, :µ:,my,. So they found fault with Cafar for ufmg this fentence,tsarr,< atxa, Ma, ..eoma4*t,ro'aíro,44.1.e.,T) gt'14ä,ziik; Si violandum eft jus, regnandi caufa violandum, in stile"rebut pietatem colas f If Juftice be to be broken , it would be for a Kingdom.,. in other things live godly. And this is thecafeofevery fiinfer : fo the unclean Perfon faith. : Ifever Chaftity be to be violated , it is for Bathfheba , in others it flail bekept' So Plan,. tus,Solie amatoriis ponan s dii (Want veniam, the Gods will pardon perjuries in Lovers only. But Juftice mutt be totally kept,and not broken for any refpeet,norany other Vertue , if we fo do, we omit part of the whole and entireduty requiredofus, this the Heathen knew. 3. For Semper or toto tempore , all thedays ofour life. They held, thata good Man fhould continue fo tohis end they refembledhim toasetragonifm, all fides alike, like to a Dye , they would have him to behomo quadrattu,ever like himfelf, never like to a Camelion often changing his colour inconftant, fomtimes good, fomtimes bad, now in nowout, but hemull continue ever one and the fame. I. For the reward we fee that they held, that their God Jupiter had t 5itn a íheet and of Parchmine made of the skin ofthat Goat that nourifhedhint, wherein hewrote Reward and 1 all Mens deeds; and for thofe that had done well, hehad his threegraces toreward Punitlunent, them in this life, and his Elifian Fields in the World to dime, anfwerablc töParadife in Scripture. 2. And for punifhment they likewife held, that he had his three Erinnyes ór Furies in this Life: and Tartarus, Sex, andCocytas in the life to come, according to Tophet and Gehenna in Scripture. And thus we fee that theGentiles are inexcufable, having all theparts oftheLAW it0m° I. tar° within them written in their hearts, to accufe or excufe them. tHeYPa