Introduté. . Why the moral Larywets written. Chap. rj. Saviour quoteth afro. So that the Law of Wes for the moral part ofit agreeth with the Law of Nature, and what God commanded illers to write for the in- ftruc`tion of the Ifraelites was in great parr written inthe hearts of the Heathen , and fomo meafure praft.fed by the better fret of them. Now if the qucftion be asked , which of us., nay doth the beft of Us fulfil the Commandme;tts, or who bath to ckan a lean that never lulled, or indeed that lufteth not daily I We anfwer confidently, None. And to prove this Saint Pad !hall tell you ( in the firft fevenChapters to the. Romans ) that both ?cur and Gentile were defeCtivc , andcame fhort herein. Saint hones faith In muftis offendimosomnes, in allies, many things we all offend. The Prophet David by way of queltion faith , Delia-a fai. i . ra: i tyaisintcili it? who is there that underftanaeth how of he offendeth ? So that oepties indecadi'r s, The heft ofus falls leven times a day,which divers take as meant of pròy.:4.05 , falling nro h.:,.'.ough others,very learned,take it, of falling into affliftions. Andholy 7th confeffcd, that he could not anfwer one for a thoufand. Laftly ( to omit many ) Job q, x; K. David fpeass pofitively in regard offulfilling the Law, that,In Gods light fhal!no Pfal.1404¿a: Man livingbe juftified, that is, IfGod Mould proceed according to ftrift juftice, lfthcn the cafeof t ebell be fo, another queftion arifeth s Whether Godbe jult in<o nmanding i,npofíìhlc things to be kept , and promifing that whereofnoMan can be capable, becaufc no Man can keep the Law. We aofwcr that God is molt juft , and there is noinjufticein his proceedingsi Though the matter be never fo crooked , yet the rule ought to be ftraight , not like aLesbian rute. For Good beingperfectly loft, his Law mutt needs beperfeítly juft alto o for elfe if he had left out any part of the Law, hemight have feemed to favour fin. And if it be demanded , why we were not made able to fulfill and perform it? Someanfwer thus, That Adam was at firft made fit and able, and received flrength to keep it, in that perfeftionwhich was required : but he loft it. For Adam was like an evilScrvant,thar receiving Money at his Matter to do his bufinefs fpent it riotoutly, er became drunk by the way and fo was notable toperform that work whichhis Mailer expeEted:yet the Matter might lawfullymad it of him,becaufe he had before enabled him unto it: So God gave us ability at the fiilt, to do what hecommand- ed, but we having loft that ability vainly, God may lawfully exalt ofus , what he fet us to do, Butegging this fame pbieti, that feting Man loll this ability, not efficienter, but Addition f. meritorio, by God; penal Ail depriving; him of it, it can nomore (land with Gods 3afdice ofmans pow. andWifdone Hill to require the fame obedience without needabilities , than for a Magi. er to keep Ora' e, having cur ofa ,14ano Feet for fame offence , yet to rewire him to go to Etch a the Law Of place, and then to puni(lt hint for not going , and therefore it may be raid , that God Chett never requires any thingoftat, bat heeitfser gibes , or is ready to give ability to do it, ifwe be not wanting to our fe/ves. And therefore as Gadrequires obedience under the Gofpel fohe enables uo by hisgrace, or is ready to enable if we fee,lç cohim to do what he requires: at to avoid every known and wilful fin and to perform the fubflanceof every good duty though we are flit! fabjeCl to fins of Infirmity, which we mufllabour againfl, and ehottah we come (hirt of perfection iu rome degeee, yet wemufl aim at it, and not reif in aperfeilionof parts. Thus every Chrifian may and ought to keep the Law ofGod, as it it qualifiedandmoderated in the Gofpel, foat to befreefrom all raigningfin, and to perform every alit commanded in Sincerity, andas this is po ffble by the Grace ofthe Gofpel, fo it is neeeffary to Salvation in ((Wafter their Cenverfan and Repentance. At for that afolute perfeCtion or freedom from all fin , it ir commanded too , but tot as aífually rtereffary to Salvation : but only in our true and conflant endeavour, as that which we muff aim at , and cone .a6 neer as we can though we do not attain it in this life. And'thus it may be:truly, fata, that the Law , though it cannot be kept inthat abfolute and exa(¢ manner which is required in the Covenant of workr, that is with- Ott the leaft omiffan or intermifon in which fet:fe God doth not now require it of its to Salvation, yet aait is required in the feecnd Covenant according to the equityand moderation of the Gofpel , , it may by the Grace of Cbrifl be kept, andmull be kept by every true C,hri,/lianfa far as God requires it ofus NOW : and this is-that Chriflitru per- ftition which the Scripture often exhorts to , and the Catholic! Church of Chri Over acinowk¿red. God havingmade afecond Covenant , trlyereiít there is a Law to be belt