Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

14 chap.i s, Of theprepoatton to uil. We are as Pots in his hands, either to be made or broken as he pleateth a We are his Servants or born Subjects, and he may command us to do what he pleafes, fur which he needednot to reward us, if he had not tied himfelf by (irottlife to reward pan,3. us as the Subjects of N'ebuchodonozor, who if they performed his wtllr had nut tea ward, if not, the fornace was heated feven-times hotter. We areDe# Alma, Gods bond-men, and as the Poet faith,iZiapremiaVertu, what rewards.may bond men e#i. ICor.6.1o. pea ii tveare boughtwith aprice. There's nothing that takes Co deep an ttllprNlfion inus, as the confederation of Gods benefits to us, and intertfts to us, and dotfllnion overus. Pfd.r4a. 3. If we confider our felves as we are his Creatures. The Drama, the thew, winde, dorm, hail, are (as it is in the Pfalm) topraife him ; fo that if it had pleated God to have made us but winde or fnow, yet being his Creatures we Were hound to praife him ; how much more then, for that he hath given us a hying Soul, and fecondly the ufe of natural faculties in every Member, the value or &imtieWhereof maybe made by the want of an eye, or an arm, for the fupply whereof how much would we thinkour felves beholding toany that fhould reftore us theufe of theta' t and therefore feeing God gave us all our Limbs, how much more might we tote thankful to him for the ufe of all. But thirdly, when we thanenter .into cooked. tien, that God hath given us a reafonable Soul, it fltould procure a third degree of thankfulnefs. The value of which is fuch,that as Saint,$ueufline faith,that every man had rather perpetuocwnratione Larnentari, to Lainent ever with underlfanding, than ridire fineratione, to laugh without reafon. 4. But the fourth tranfcendsall the refl. If we confider the goodnefe of God in chufing andpreferring usabove all other people to behis Church, and to pertain to himin the New Covenant, and thedeath of his Son, all other benefit§ Will teem ae miferies without this. And thisbenefit we (hall the better value, if we confider the Saintsof God(who were wirer than the Sons of men) how they have laboured to beof the number of this Church, Gods cleft people, enduring infinite ealamiitie9 ' and rejecting the preferment of this world, and(with ATofrs) rattier indwring to Ai firaftliílian, than toenjol thepleafuresof fiefar feafon. Again, we may divide tfo e benefits asGoddivideth them himfelf in the Verles before - mentioned. 'lent them that are paff, and them that are promifed. t. Deliverance. z. Eaglee wings. a. Them that arc paff. Deliverance. For this we need no otheratflnmeet then that which God himfelf ufeth. re have teen *bat I did to the t g peiant. Ïn whichas in a Type we have feen how God hath delivered us from the tpiritual gyps, theKingdom of fin and Satan, and this deliverance from the Ihedow of death, ignorance, blindnefs, and Gods judgments doth incomparablypale that fromNee= 9r ;° rash and his Servants. And though the Hunter bath let a Cnare; yet theLord bath delivered us from ir, and all his fnares,as from the noyfome peltilenee, a tditiore ne= ammo de fagittadiurna, fromterror by night, and the arrow that dieth by day, eu4ti 7. rendique eeciderunt, not autem flamua, many have fallen round about ne,but We fiend, A thoufand fallback us, and ten thoufand at our right hand, and yet the danger comesnot near us. 2. Ihavenot only delivered you from the /Egyptians, but i' have carried you'on .40d49e4 Eagkswings, faith God. In the Revelation, faith he, to the woman that la to the Chutch) that he gave her two wingsof a great Eaglet which, a oreling to the itte terpretation of the Learned,are, r. HisProvidence. z. His efpecial Gtrace. Dei previden>ra t her frank t? t Mao armiaDei f ecialis, alaecclefra alter§, his Providence in this life, and (pedal Grace, which brings us to a better life, are the two wings wbereby Cìod ovals his Church. t. His Providence is thus proved. That he being infinite and eternal, yet con- defcendeth to care and provide for ever/particular thing we +red° He is laid Pra1°0.3. to make our bed. And in the Gofpel, to number our hairs. hie hashallotted to us JbS19;0 poor worms, beingbut afhes (as fob fpeaks) the molte ctllent guard of Angels, tleb4.14. - commanding them to wait uponus: Laftly, he bath created thisgoodly Theatre of the world, andall Creatures therein forour ufe , and bath matte in fords thereof. And this Providence of hisis, inoxhaafue font bonitatis, a foìtntaitt that can never be drawndry. For