Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Introdu&. before thegiving of the Law. Chap. í8.' 75 2. For his especial Grace, preventing, and following appears. X. In vouchfafing his only Son'for the worldsredemption and remiftionof fins. 2. In giving us a =a- fore of Sanctification, and verrue in force degree ro live well. 3. In giving us the Miniftery of his Word and Sacraments, as Seals of his promifes, which the Pro- phcta, Apoftles, and Saints efteem fo highly. ¢. In giving us pulfationis.Spiritne; Apect.2o. flooding at the doors of our hearts, and knocking, infpiring into us good motions todo well. So that if we would inparticular weigh there good gifts of nature and Grace, which Godbath beftowed upon us, we could not but think, that he who cloth thus for us, muft needs love ne, and that if he love us, he will command us nothing but that which fhatlbe acceptable to him, and profitable for us. But to make his Providenceappear full,add to thefe thebetsfits promifed,which are yet to come. We have them in the fifth and fixth Verfes. If yc will hear my voice, ye (ball be, &c. and as they had their Proinifes' under the Law, fo have we under the Gofpel better Prornifes for the life to come. In refpeeì of which all the relt are asnothing : When we have the Kingdom of Heaven and the blifs thereof, nomare can beadded to us. There cannot be valued by the Eye, nor by the ear, nor by the Heart. The Prophettells us, The eye bathnot fern, nor the ear Era 644. bath not heard, nor can the heart nnderfi<and , the joys that are provided for them that reek, God. Now we know, that the eye may fee much ; for our Saviour rawMath.4.8, all the Kingdoms of the world at once ; and the Ear may hear many things ; but theheart mayconceive infinite things in comparifon of the retires for apprehenfion, yet not all them fo much as this : therefore thejoys ofthe World tocóme muft needs be infinite ; We ufuallycall that which we cannot value or reckon a Nemo fcit. This is thát name, whichSt. Mx fpeaks of in the Revelation, That no now IZnoweth, but Ap «a'7 be that receiveth it. Andwhereas the Heavenand Earth are too good for us, yet he promifeth to create tfa,óf.c7. a New Heaven for us, as if this prefent were not pay good enough for our fervice. Now the conftderation,and remembranceof all this, is to thisend, to ftir up a lave in us; for love will make us todoour duties with cafe, diligence, delight, and per. feverance,all therewill followlove. There arebut three things that aremotives to love. r. Beauty. z. Nearnefs of nature, or kindred. And 3. Benefits : and thefe three do even make the brute and favage Beafts to love. Nów there three arc in God eminently. a. For his excellencle of Beauty, it appearsmolt glorioufly in thofe things which he hath made, the world and the Inhabitants, andCreatures therein, which being fo beautiful in themfelves arguea far greater in him. The Prophet Zechary admiring Zech.9.17. it, breaks out into there words, O howgreat is hisbeauty. 2. For nearnefs in Nature, what nearer Relation can there be,than that of the Creator and the Creature? Parents are butInftruments of ourCreation, yet we ac- count them theneareft : but God is our Father indeed, not only byCreation, but byGal.4. ç. a fecond Bond ofAdoption, wearehis adopted Sons. You knowthat Davidmade it kph r S. agreat matter to beSon-in-law to a King; but we are nearer : Sons indeed. - r Baru tH,ts. 3. For benefits : if thofe which God hath beftowed upon us, and arementio- ned before be not fufficient take one more. Such was his love to mankinde, and delight to do usgood, that he fpared not his only Son; but made him come down from Heaven to die for us. Sothat if thefe benefits make us not willing to do his will, well may the fayingof the Prophet teremy be taken up. Obftupefcat calum, Jer.z.t a: be aftonifhed, O ye Heavens. And fo much for the firft means of preparation to makewilling. The fecond means of preparation begins at the tenth Verfe : God faid to Me- 2. fes, Go to the people and fan$ifte them to day and to morrow , and let them waft their dotal'', and let them be ready iigainff the third day , for then will Icome down, &c. r. As the firft was to make us willing, fo the fecond is to make us able, fir, apt, and capable of his Law. In the Primitive Church they began their Lyturgie, with Sanfta fanílis, munde mundis , fo here none are capa- ble of holy and clean things, but holy and clean perfonst: therefore we mutt fan&ifie our felves , or elfe we are not fit to receive the Law of God. The Reafon is, becaufe if we put an unclean thing to a clean, not only the K z; un-