Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

86 Chap. r. The Preface to the Decalogue. Cora,T. fcrvitude under their molt cruel Enemies , and that fo hard, as that they weredaily punifhed, never rewarded. They were forced towork, and yet no Materials given them to work withal. To gather Straw,and yet nothing abated of the tale of [,ricks which they made when Straw was provided t, their hands. And laftly, theyhad their Children Daily drowned before their Eyes. z. Their great delivery from this fervitude appears , in that it was done with Dest i. 34. a mightty Hand and an outftrctched.Arm , by (hewing his power in the Plagues of c/Egypt, and drowning Pharaoh and his Haft in the Red-Sea. The two former Titles have everflood the fame , but this laft , in refpcel of thisA&, and upon diversAfts of his hath been altered. As, a. After the Creation he was Riled God, the Creator of Heavenand Earth. Gear S 7. 2. In the days of Abraham. I am the Lord , that brought thee out ofVrof the Caldees, 3. In Mofes time. The God of4braham,Ifaac,and 3acob.Exod.3.6.Fourthly. And hexed am the Lord that broughtthee out of &gyps,&c.Fifthly,when God (hould deliver them from the Captivity of the North, it is fail. The day's come, faith the Lord, that it [hall be no more faid, the Lord liveth that brought up the Children out Jer. 6. r 4,r ç of theLand of aÆgypt.But the Lord liveth that broughtup the Childrenof [fowl from the Land of the North. And this Title lafted to the timeof Chrift. Sixthly. The laft is Jer'3' 6 Prophecied by yer. 7vhovah jai -H ns noffra,the'Lord our Righteoufners; and fo by the ,., ''g3°.Apofile,Chriftau' jajhtía noftra,. Chrift our Righteoufnefs , and God the Father of ourLord Jefus Chrift. Now this great Benefit being not fully fix weeks before the Law delivered , it inuit needs flick chafe to their Memory , and being in the Wildernefs , where they were wholly to depend upon God and his prole&ion,fo that as well in regard ofthe remembrance of the latebenefits , and the hope of future affiftance , as ofthe place where they could not depend at all upon themfelves,it wasboth a fit time andplace to give them a Law, and then they were more fit to receive it, inas much as it could not well be given in , for thence they were unwilling to go, nor in Canals , for there they murmured againft God , it was molt fit it fhould be given here : fortheir deliverywas not that they fhould beMatters, but Servants. And all thefe pertain tb us : for though it be true, Non obligannir Leei propter Rain. is. r t. Sinai, fedpropter paradifurn, when it was firft given to all the Sons of Adam : and though God gave this Law to one Nation , to ftir up others to emulation , as the Gentiles were taken into Covenant afterwards toprovoke the yews to jealoutic: yet;this is alto true , that thereare none ofthofe his Titles , but much more ap- IWëh.`a 6, pertain to us, who have means of better performance, as having receivedgreater benefits, andour Faith grounded upon betterpromifes. Ç yehovah, The excellency" of this name to us is in refpe&of the ordination of Gen, zz. r3. a newCovenant (the Gofpel) which(as the Scripture (peaks) is the better Cove- Deüt.;t. 8. nant,becaure it was eftablifhed upon better promifcs: for, Infemme ras benediceutur '7im, r, o emnes nationes terra, in thy feed (hall all the Nations of the Earth be bleffed, is a better pi'ntnile than, Semini tosodabs termini Canaan, to thy feed will I. give the Landof Canaan. Wehave clearer promifes ofeternal life, and a greater mcafure of fanfìifi- catiduefthe Spirit than they had. z. `Deus runts, thy God. As we are included with them in the firlt, fo in the fe- eond Title, we havepart and intereft in them both ; for he is our God by Covenant aswell as theirs, byaCovenant ofmercyand grace. 3. Quieduvi&c: whichbrought thee, &c. For this third, how fargreater dan; gets arc wcdelivered from than 'th'ey? From the ping of Con fcience, from fn, from death ; `how' much do the Devil and his Angels pats the power and malice of Pharaoh, and his Task- matters ? Hell and Gehenna' the Limekills ? the torments of Hell without number the Bricks with number? and as Much 'as. thefe evéilafting pains pafs'thofe temporal , fomuch doth our deliverance exceed theirs. The Apoftle fpeaks , that God hath delivered usfrom the pöwci df:da'tknefs , and from the wrath to come. ' And inanother place, that he ,bath Col.,. ;3. abolilhed Death. In this World he hath freed us fromerrouss, which the mat z.. Ti.,,. r. ro part World fall into o' 1414" 10 'I e'bath del'ivèred us. t. Frorr?the Juftice of Cod. 2. From the tcrrour of L1aw. 3. From the fling ofConlcftnta. A. From fin. `5, From death. 6. From Hell. 7. From