Com. The diz,ifionof the Decalogzi Chap. 2. E7 7. from the Devil and his Angels. 8. from the Spiritual -gyps. 9. from the es/Egypt of this World, r -c. Now as Godhath Titles,fo have we. Heyehovah,we vile Creatures : He our God, we his Servants: He which hath delivered us, we which havebeen delivered by him from fin, &c. from a thoufand dangers. .Audi frail; hear, O ifail, faith he, Speak Lord, for thy Servants hear, mutt we fay, and not onlybe his Auditors, buz his Servants, leak we be made Servants to fin, Sathan, and the World,and fo bemade to know thedifference between his Service, and theService of other Matters. CHAP. H. Thedivifion ofthe Decalogue. How dividedby theJews. How byChriliians. Additi- on6. That the four fundamental Articles of all Religion are employed in thefour firft Precepts. OfRulesfor expounding the Decalogue. Six Rulesof extent. a . The af- firmative implies thene atine, and e contra. 2. When any thing is commanded or forbidden , ad of the fame nature are included. 3. The inward ..411of the Soul isfor- biddenor commandedby the outward. 4. The means conducingare includedin every Precept. S. The confeguents and figns. 6. We muff not only obfirve the Precept ourfelves, but caufe it to be kept bj others , leafs we parish of other Mensfns , which is. t. Jubcndo, by commanding. 2. Permittendo, by toleration. 3. Provo- cando, byprovocation. 4. Suadendobyper`fwafion. 5. Confentiendo, by canfenting. 6.- Defcndendo, bymaintaining. 7. Scandalumprrbendo,bygiving feandal. E divided the Law intoa Stile and a Charge; the firft hath been handled. The Charge remains, whereof we will now fpeak.. And this is contained in Exod. 34 2.S. the ten words which we commonly call the ten Commandments. So doth Mofes Deut. 10.4. as well to deter Men from prefuming to add any more, (in.which refpe&, Godwrote E501.30.15. both fides of the Tables full to prevent theadding to them) as alto to takefrom Man, the cxcufeofbeing fo many that his Memory could not bear them. They be- ingbut few, whereas thofe of theHeathen are infinite. Thefe ten for better orderand memory fake , receive a divifion from the Subject , 37. and are divided according to the two Tables, which our Saviour in his anfver to Nlá the Lawyer, dividethaccording to the Obje&s, God andMan. And this is not his Mark, la.3o. own divifion only , we find it in the time of the Law. Our duty towards God is Dag. 6. ç. let down in Deuteronomy. Thou (halt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , Lev. ap. ls, and with all thy foul, andwith all thy might. Our duty towards Man in Leviticus. Thou thaltlove thyNeighbour as thy felf. From both which places this divifionof our Saviour hath itsground. Now becaufe Love is fo often repeated , St. Paulmakes theendofthe Law to be r Tim r:q; Love. And in another place , after he hathrecapitulated the Law , he redticeth it to this. Thou ¡halt love thy Neighbour as thy felf; for our love proceeding and Rom.13. afcending up to God, when we defcend and come toour Neighbour , it is but are- verberation of the love we have to God , and every reverberation or refte lion pre- fuppofeth a dire& beam, fo that every Man that loves his Neighbour, hath God firft inhis dire& motion, as ahe immediate anddire& Objett of his love, and thenhis Neighbour in and for God. Andthefe ten Precepts are divided into the two Tablesby God, fo in the forting aQ5 of the Precepts to each Table arifes fome doubts. s. Betweenyews and Christians. And z. Between Christians themfelves. a. The 7ews make an even divifion of them, five in one Table, and five in the other; and they take their warrant from the Pfalmift, I have faid ye are Gods , and ye all are Children of the molt Higheft : Ptàlm, So. 6. . therefore they infer that thefifth Commandment mutt bá referred to the firft Table which immediately concerns God. But feting in that Precept inferïours alfo arc in- cluded, and they areno Gods , we muffexcludeout ofthefirft Table the fifth Com- 'mandmenr, as not pertainingdireflly to God, but Man. And the Apoftle Ephef 6.2. confutes this in exprefs words, making this Commandment the firft with pro mife, that is, the firft of the fecund. Table: for otherwife it is not the firft with promife. ?., The