Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

88 Chap,2, The Divifion ofthe Decal'ogue. Corn. i e 2. The Church of Rome, and force Protcftants, as the Lutherans, make the two firft Commandments but one, and the tall they divide into two, againft the confcntof moil of the Fathers , whom they pretend in other things to follow , thus they make the coveting ofNeighbours Houfe or Goods the ninth , and the coveting or lofting after his Wife, the lulls of the flelh the tenth. That it cannotbe thus, (be. fides the reafons againft it in the tenth Commandment , as you (hall hear herfter ) the whole current of the Church hath confented to the divifi onof four and fix, onlySt. Augufline excepted , and Origen horn. 8. in Exod. with force others ; and difallow this divilion of theirs. As among the 7ews, 7ofephus lib. 3. of the Com- mandments. Philo 7udeus inDecalog. Aber: Ezra. Rabbi Solomon, upon the loth. of Exodus. Among the Chrifbans , Clemens 6. Strom,:. Chryfofèome in Flat. Atha- nafius de fecris fcript. Ambrofe, ferome, and Nazianzen : only Sr. Auouttine (de decem preceptis ) allows of theirs. Yet himfelf in his queftions vereris ér navii teflament. q. 7. divideth them plainlyas we , and.thereafon thatmoved him to the contrary was but weak, upon a bare conje lure that there fhould be threein the firft, becaufe there arebut three Perfons inthe Trinity , but by the fame reafon we may add the fourth, becaufe of the Unity in.the Trinity. Canifius hath anargument of great force With them , that the reafon of the Lawmutt be anexed to the Com- mandment: but in our divifion the reafon is in the fecond [ for I the Lord thyGod am a jealous God] therefore all before is to be referred to the firft Commandment. But we fay that the generalReafon went before the Charge, viz. in the Preface, and was not to be annexed to anyof the Commandments ; and thatthis is a fpecial reafon added to the fecondCommandment,as force other Preceptshave their fpecial reafons annexed. But howfoever they be, divided, if the wholeLaw be delivered, tind we be careful to keep it, the matter isnot much, otherwife it will be to little purpofe, fi bene numeres, male vero Cuflodias, as Mufculusfaith, and therefore we come to the Preceps themfelves. i. The firft is the Table ofHoli efs or Religion, and this immediately refpeEl- ethGod. z. The fecond is the Tableof Juftice, and that immediately refpeEls Man. a. This holinefs confrfts in holy duties to bepraftifed, which are either t, Continual,or to be done inwardly in3. heart and tCommandment i. at all times, and that Ç mind. outwardly in-{ gefture Commandment z. fpeech. Commandment 3. 2. Temporary at fome fpecial times in theCongregation Commandment 4 on fet days. The Table ofJuftice concernseither a. TheAEI, and that either particularly between Inferi- oursand Superiours. .Commandment 5. or generally towardsall. t. In his Perkin. Commandment 6. and this concerns our (( 2. Or in his fleth, his Wife. Commandment 7. Neighbour either S 3. In his temporal eftateor goods. Com. 8. 4. In his goodName. Commandment 9. 2. The inward defires reftraining thevery motion Z Commandment to. of the heart though they never come to AEA. S True Religion generally confidered and abfiraïled from the modifications of fewifh andChriflian, relied always principally upon four Articles or Propofitions. I. That there is but one God. 2. That none of thefe vifiblethings we fee areGod : but that he is ofa higher invifible nature. 3. That his Providence extends to humane affairs, and (hems it felf in rewards and punifhments. 4. That he is the Author and maker of all things betides himfelf, and herein his infinite goodnefs , power , and voifdomappears. Thefe four Principles are included in the four firft Commandments. In the I. The Vnityof God is openly declared. 2. Inthefecond his ;primal invif:ble nature , which is not reprefented by an Image, Deut. 4. 12.- ThereforeTacitas faith, Judeei fola mente unumque numen intelligunt, profanos qui Deorum imagines mortalibus materiis in fpecierïì Addition 6. concerning the 4Princi- pies of Reli- gion implyed in the 4 firft Command- ment s,