Chap 2. Rules of extentfor expounding the Decálogue. Com.r: 93 Now God is fo far from allowance of provocations, that he takes itclean away, c even from fuperiours to the inferiours, that he commands even Fathers not to pto F yoke their Children. And it is the Apoftles coun(el not to provoke one adothet. Gal. f. 26' The next is Snadendo, by perfwading. A manmay he acceffary by giving evil coon- fel or advice. The Pfalmilt faith, Bleffcd is the man that path not walked in the counfcl of the ungodly. Jacob lying on his deathbed and bleiling his Sons, Paid to pGlm. r. r; Simeon and Levi, In ficreurm eorerm non venialanima noca. And Holy fob, Thecoup- Gen. 49.6. lc! of the wicked is far frdmme. In Ezra, evil Counsellors were hired to hinder Job. 21- i6. the building of theTemple. Absalom committed inccft with his Fathers Concubins Efr, 4.9. t the (n is imputed to Achitophel, that put it into his Head. Herodì Wives z Sam6, ó,2: ye Mai. Daughter asked fohn Bapriffs Head; but Herodiies the Mother counfelled her tóask It; John. r r, ;o; therefore his Blood is laid to her charge. The fin of the feòr in defiring Chrift to be AR: 14. 11- crucified is Laid to Caiphas for giving the advice. And the tumult againft Saint Pgrtl, is laid to Demerri:u the Siivcr.fmiththat counfelled thereftof the handicrafts Men to rife. And these two !aft precede the ACtion. The next is Canfénriendo, by contenting to other mens fins, and this brings us within compafsof accessary, Nowwe offend as the Lawyers tpeak either. r, Confenfndiretto ver'o, by dereCly contenting. Be not partaker of othermens i Tan. S, ar; fins. 2. Confenfn interpretatiito, when a Man is Inftrument of an ill aCtion by his deed, a Safe. rt. s S? though in words he miflike it, or seem not to approve it, as foab was Drevidìinftru- ment to kill tldah. 3. Parricipatianc, by partaking, As in the cafe of theft topartake in the gain. Pra1. So, 18. 4. Approbation, by allowing, Saul is Paid to be confenting to Saint Stephens death, Aft, 8. r. only by the layin down of the Witneffcs Cloates at his Feet. And Mofes makes all 7. St. them to be confenteis to the rebellion of Corals, which departed not from their u Teste. Ntri, t6. 26: 5. Vnione, by joynnings When men joyn pürres withthem that do evil. Caftha thy lot among us : let us have one purse; Pro r. í 4 6. Silencio, by not difclofing; When a man reveals nót the fins of others; hedbth after a fort content to them, becaufche is bound to it. If aSoul fin; and hear the Lev, i S. voice of (wearing, and is a Witncfs whether he have known of it, and do not utter it, then he (hall bear his iniquity, &ci SaintoArrgufline gives thereason, rrt maimsfermo 19. rp itsdrocir in peccatum; fie in4Grm ficsoiirirn relingecit in pecc4to, and not only fo, but if a Man know that his Neighbour fihneth, there's aflat precept that he (hall rebukehim for its The lift is Defendendo, by maintaining. When wecoiniliend and flatter men in their 6; fins, or cxcufc them, when they have offs tided. He that faith unto the wicked, thou art righteous, him (hall the people curfe. And the wife man in another place, lattutePror. 54. 2,: oemeces pros 6.c, enticing his Neighbour, and this irEtaíiopecrarornm,alluringof finners i6- =9 is, the way that leadcth to deftruftion. For though fuch{cind of mens words feem td befoftcr thanBuitcr; yet there is war in their Hearts, and though they feem finoo ther than Oyl, yet arethey very Swords: By good words and fair fpeeches filch Pra' 55. na. then deceive the Hearts of the ftmplc. But there is a woe pronounced by the Pro- Rom. i6. 13, phct again(t fuch Men. Wo unto them that c l! evil good. And.anöther Prophet calls EPA. s áo them dawbcrs, that fly peace, and therewasno peace, &c. And a little drier he pro Extdi, t io: nounccth a woe againft them that low pillows Under niens Arms. Such were Aha6i 3- IS. false Prophets. but especially Zedekiah, which made himfeif horns of iron,' and Paid falfly ) Sic dice: Dorf inud. Men temper corrorpia menrmale oper.antil, atfempec corr;ìpta t King, w.6 Male defendentii, the mind that doth ill is nd: ever corrupt, but that which defends it: ill, is. Laftiy, betides there, there is aiiothér way Whereby d Man níay` bç guiléy of anothers mans fins, ratisse fcandali, by gi*ing of scandal, or fly doing fome aft Where- T by another (tumbles and falls into fume fin, rims, trr node/nil a man may pertdke of anothers fin, and that not only in anions sinful, 2>y giving evil example ; but fume_ times in thingslawful, and iudiffcrent,cloathed with filch circus fiances; whereby thé weak; that is, thé ignorant May be drat{n ti :bole unlawful aft ; as when forcedid 'eat