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topo Chap.5 What is contained in thefirfi Precept. ;:Conti. Addition it. Whereas the worfhip of God is commonly divided into !Primal and bodily. or inward about the di, andoutward ; and the one faid to be commanded in the (ir/l , the other in the PondCoot. ftinEìiou of mandment; this muff' not be fo underflood, as if they were feveral kinds ofworfhip inward and outward wor=for Pe fame Act of Religion may be both inwardly and outwardly performed ; at we floe fhiP, c in mental and vocal Prayer , but they import only the different manner ofperforming; as either by the heart alone, which is only(primal, or by the heart and outward Man, which is thefame fpiritual worfhip performed by the Body, and thereforecalled outward: for the outward worfhip of the body proceeding from the heart or fpirit may be truly called sfiritual >, becaufe the exter iour Aft proceeds from the ¡ftrit , and God acceptsfach jotu, 4 worfhip., though it be outward in refpeit of the All , as a worchip infpirit and truth , when it is accompanied with truth and fincerityof heart : and therefore as all worjÏtip and obedience is thefame both inwardand outward, fain forcefence that Commandmentwhich requires the one, requires theother; for every Precept is given to the whole Man, though chiefly to the Soul,and to the Body, as the lnfirument of the Soul: yet in regard that wor - fhip maybeperformed, either by the heart alone, or by the whole Nan , therefore that di. ftinition -mayhe in fame fort admitted, and fo it may be paid that thefirft Commandment . look! chiefly to the heart; though not excluding the outward Nan; and that the fecond looks more immediately at the outward manner of performance, yet not excluding the heart. C'H A P. V. In the firff Commandment three thiogo.are contained. t. We mull have a God. 2 We muff' have the Lord for our God. 3. We mug have himalonefor oar God. The fin ®ppolite to the lief[ , is profanenefs : to the fecond , isfalfe Religion to the third mixe Religion. How our Nature is inclinable to tholefins. Reafons againfl them. His fief[ Precept is prima necetatis, and therefore firft to be regarded, it was ne- vet difpenfed withal,nor ever (hall be. And according to the firft Rule ofeaten - mat. fion,Preceptumfaeient.& nonfacieus..It being a negative implyeth an affirmative. The negative is, Thou (halt have noother Gods. The affirmative our Saviour quoteh to Dent. 6.1;, r 020, the Devil out of Deuteronomy , Thou fhalt worfhip the Lord thy God , andhim only(hale thou ferve. There are three Propofitions which naturally arile out ofthis Commandment. a. That a God we mutt have. 2. That we mutt have the Lord for our God. g. That wemuff have him alone for our God. r. The meaning ofthe Arlo is, that we fhould not beGods our felves (which was the beginning of all mifchief, Dii cribs, ye (hall be Gods) in judging goodand evil Gen 3 í at our-own eïcelion : but to acknowledge a fuperiour power from whence we are to take our rules and directions, both in following good , and abflaining from evil , and not tobe led by our own affections.Andto this fuperiour power foinftrufìing us, and.promiAng to bringus to the full fruition of the chiefeft good, we fhould fub- mitour Rives, acknowledge him, and ryeour felves to him, which acknowledging andtying our felves to him, is the proper At of Religion , which is therefore called Religio, a religando, as St. Augufline derives it : this is in the firftp lace to have a God,and a Religion, and conl'equently to worfhip him as God. 2. Themeaning of the fecond is to inform us , that the Gods of the Nations are but Idols noGods ; and therefore the fervice and worfhip done to them is falfe and'Idolatrotis. But 7ehbvah our God who hath manifefled himfelf many ways to be thettue.God,is the only God,andhis Religion true Religion; and therefore weare to(hake off, all worfhip and fervice to ethers , and confecrate our felves wholly to him; andhis fervice. 3. The third teaches us, that there are no Idols not Gods that can doas hedoth either in rewards orpunifliments; none can reveal or beftow eternal happinefs but he, none can joynwith him, or help him therein ; but he alone is both able'and wil- ling , and therefore he alone will have all the, glory to himfelf , he will have none to kEthy,42.8. participate withhim,Gloriammean; alteri non dabo,my glory will I not,give o another, w