Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Coen, r. Ofthe knowledge ofGodanditsòppofits. Chap. & 1-67 The fecond thingfordidden, is a light knowledge, contrary to tl.e Apoftles rule', z. according as Godhath dealt to every man the meafure of Faith , fo that not only Rom. r ;;: the whole want of Faith, but the want of the meafure of Faith is condemned. When a thing is commended tous in meafure, not only the not having it at all, but the not having the meafure of -it is a fault , and not only that, but it is alfo required that according to our yearsand gifts, our knowledge ihould increafe. We muft Col. ;,ac: ( according to the Apoftles rule ) be men inunderftanding 'and Children in malice. r Cor. The Prophetgoeth lower, Whom shall he teach knowledge and whom (Ball he Eat' a8.9. make to underftand doftrine ? them that are weaned from the Milk, and drawnfrom the ßreafts. This isas low as may be: Therefore as we grow in years, we mutt grow in knowledge, and not be ever taught and never learning. Tohave precept upon precept (as he fpeaks in the next verfe) line upon a line, here a little and there ro. a little, not too much at once. Ever tearing ( as the Apoftle ) and never coming to Tim. ;. , the knowledge of the truth. And it is thatwhich is inveighed againft in another place, that the HebrewChriftians after much time fpent in learning profited no better, but Heb. g. u, (till needed tobeCatechized in the principles of religion. It was prophecied before Chrifts time,. that the fucceeding ages fhould have great knowledge, asby Daniel. They that be wife TaW thine as the brightncfs ofHan. I a. 3. the firma ment, and they that turn many to rightcoufnefsas the flats for ever; and by 7 oel, I will pour out my fpirit upon all flefh. And by Efay, All thy Children (hallbe taught of God, and great fhall be the peace of thy Children. And this was Joel a, 18. foretold of the primitive Church by the fame Prophet. The people that fate in dark. Efag, 54'j; nefs have feen agreat light, &c. And the Earth (hall be full of the knowledgeof the ii, Lord. St. Paul was fo confident of their knowledge in his time, that heasketh a queftion, not by way of doubt, but of full perfwafion of it, and that not in finali mat_ Ceres, but high myfteries ; Knowye not ( faith he ) that the Saints (hall judge the r Co,. 6. World ? And in the next verfe, Know ye not that we fhall judge the Angels ? And we may fee that the Corinthians were fo forward in Religion, that the Women t Cor. 14. 34: thought themfelves able to difpute and teach the weightieft pointsinit; fo that the Apoftle is forced to make a prohibition to them, not to fpeak in the Church which argueth much knowledge , though too great boldnefs in them. In theAfts 13, 3. Afta of the Apoftles, we fee Aquila was but a Tentmaker, yet he afterwards, attained to filch knowledge that he became a pillar of the Church. The Ec.. clefiaftieal ftorymakes mention of Severus , that he was at first but of mean Condition; yet; afterwards for his knowledge was chofen Bifhop of a great See ( Antioch.) Now if we confider thefe , and fee how careful they were tO ,,dgr; exceed in knowledge we (hall think it an odious thing to be of the number of the ignorant. And if, that which the Prophet flaeaksof, prevail not-with us, ( I have written to them the great things of my Law , but they were counted Hof. s, sa; as a vain thing: j becaufe we may pretend the profundity as an inipediment. Yet let the tax upon the Hebrews work fhame in us that whereas we fhouid be pall the principles, we have not that meafure of knowledge Heb q, a s, in us. The extent of our knowledge mutt reach, as to a difcerning quidverum, what is true, fo to a giving of reafon, quare 'serum, why it is true. To-prove that we fay or know, as the Apofie; and as our Saviour fpeaks, to know ourown Shepherd and r Theft. 5..s t: his voice; or arleaft withSt. Peter, to give a reafon of that we hope. Yet is it not John to. t.. fit with our Sciels, for the people to enter into difpute of conero3erfies, of difcufftng r Pet'3.'5' great and hard queftions: this isnot requiredof them, but of Timothy, and others to whofe office and place it wholly belongs; for in filch things, fanïla f:mplicitas eft virtus Laicorum, holy fimplicity isa vertue in Laymen : yet as it is not required or expedient they should jangle about every quiddity, fo mutt they notbe like them, that know not, nor will underftand, but walk in darknefs: nor filch as will takeuponthem Pfalm sa. ¢. to check or controul their teachers, for herein they Phew their own ignorance : for if the foundations be out of courfe, that is, the teachers, how canthe building Rand, and as Ch>yfoflome, if darknefs be upon the tops of the mountains, there mutt needs be mitt in the valleys. Before we leave this vertue of knowledge, it will beneedful to add a little con- -0 x earning