108 Chap.r . Ofthe knowledge.ofGodandits oppofits. Corn; r. cerning, I. The OLjeft of this knowledge, and2. Such Rulesas are tobe obferved in the ufeof means to attain it. I. The Objen is- God, and his Son Chrift Jefus. Of God the Father we read, John17,3. That no than hath ever fern him, and Mofei could feebut his back parts, and when r. Tim, 6.16. he di'd .fie them he hid his Face and was afraid. It is fuflicient then for us to know Exod, 33.23. him, as he is revealed tous in his word, and in his works ; and becaufe our know. '3 ledge is to be referred to his worfhip and obedience, therefore fo much is neceffary for use as that without which we cannot worfhip and obey him : moreparticularly We autoKnow him in theUnity of his El-fence, and Trinity of Perlon, as altowhat he is to us by creation, providence, redemption, and what he requires ofus to be Exod, 59.46. done. Therefore it is Paid, They (hall know that I am the Lord, their God, which- brought them forthof thr land of Egypt, that I may dwell amongft them. And in x- 34.6. pother place God pro iinns himfelf by his Attributes. The LordGod, merciful, and gracious, long -[uttering, and abundant in goodnefs, and truth, keeping mercy for 7 thoufands, &c. Betides which knowledge of God, in his nature, and attributes, anions, and relations to us, we are toknow what we are to do for him, namely, we muft have the knowledge of his will, both in regard of the general duties, what all are to do, and in retpei h of every oneof us in a particular calling, what every one of its is to do in our fevers! rancks and callings. 2. NowConcerning the rules to be obferved, if we would cometo this knowledge, it iswell faid of the tleahcn, pònenti ¡inem, ponenda fan: media, means are tobe ap. pointed to him, chat hath.pitcht uponhis end. In the ufe of which means I. Impediments muff be removed. the order Elands thus, f 2. The rules of direnion mutt be obferved.. I. The Impediments tobe removed. The firft is according to the wifemans rule, Pray, t. r6, To refrain from evil company, and to keep our feet from the paths of thofe, whole :9.27. feet run to evil, fuch as do I4fare heroines; entice men to evil, and therefore as he fpeaketh in another place, C aíc to hear their tnffrudlion, that caufe toerrfrom the words of knowledge. And the Inffrunions thatcaufe us to err, or the impediments in that kinde that are to be removed are two fold. I. In our felves. 2. Without us. I.- Within us, befides divers others, is our owrrreaf n which mutt be renified, Dear. as. 8, elfe it will muchhinder us, we muff not do according to that which is let down in Bps. 4.17. Deuteronomie, The doing of every man that is rightin his own Eyes; and As the x. Cor. Io. s. A otite, Walking in the vanity of our own minds. And in this cale we muff caft I. 8. down our imaginations, all our ftrong holds, and high Mountains of carnal and cor. Rom. Rom. r. zz. rapt reafon, and bring them into captivity and obedience, as in themyftericof the Trinity, and the other nigh mytieries of Faith. 2. The Impediments without us are, r. Taking Religion from our fathers only tö pet. r. 18. by tradition, by inheritance as left to us by our Elders. Such things as our Fathers taught us, we will do. Our rule in this muff be, Scrstamin: Scriptar,a, fearch the Scriptures, and receive nothing by tradition where we tino it contrary to this rule. z. It is laidof yehofhophae, that he fought the Lord of his Fathers, and walked z.Chre, r7.4. inhis Commandments, and not afterthe tradeor doingsof lfraei. The cuftom or fafhion of the place or times is an impediment without us which muff be removed, Amos ç ,3 except it agree with our rule : for there are evil times, as the Prophet fpeaks, and i2. what fashions the people then ufed he (hews the verle before. You oral( not go haughtily, 'faith another, for the times areevil. And there are perilous times, as the "'z;' Apotile calls them, where evil examples and by many are followed: but z. iím. ;. r¡ y y thefe we muff leave. The rulesof direnion in the ufeof means follownext in order, of which (becaufe 2. the means have been formerly handled) we will fpeak the left. And I. for them that delire to attain tothisknowledge, this is a rule.- They areto have a firm per. fwafion that this knowledge isabfolrìtelyneceffary. That it is thesownpeceff -4 em Luke to. qz, which ourSaviour tells klartha of. Match, 6.33. 2. That (as Chrift alto faid) firft feel[ the kingdom of God,. and the righteoufnefs thereof, and all other things(hall be added : fo this knowledge is to be fought after in the firft place, for we have no warrant that ourother ftudies (hall be fanffified, or other knowledge profper without this : but if we look afterthis firft, fanEfification f theotherwill follow. rags