Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

>r 28 .Chap.8. Of the Fear -of God, andits contraries. tom.r, bóth topxnafenfu6 er Damni, is the eternity of their mifery ; for as they (hall never enjoy the comfortable pretence óf Almighty God , fo (hall they never be freed Efay,66.14, from their miferable torments. And that this fhall be eternal, we may fee by the wdrds'of our'Saviour taken out of Efay, Where 'their Worm dycth not, and Mar.43. the -Fite is not quenched. And no doubt our Saviour repeated it not five feveral 44.45' times in one Chapter , but to confirm the truth ofit againft all that fhould gain- 46.9$ fay' it. The figns offear are there. a, The fir(h'ligia of fear is , I fwe give credit to that which is taught by them that have Authority and knowledge, for timoreft credulue , as the Fleathen Man laid, fear is credulous or cale of belief, and if we be not defirous to bulle our felves in guettions and frivolous diltincìions ; for this qucftióning of what wehear, is a Agn we fear it not, but do as they did, and laid to Mofes , Go thou near and hear all Deut.1.c7. that the Lord our God ;hall fay , and (peak thou unto us all that theLord our God fhall (peale to thee, a, d we will do it, and hear it. z. -The next is diligence, negligence is an ill Ggn, Q i timent Dominum nihil negligent, fear is very diligent. yacob being in fear of his Brother, couldnot ref all Gan.; 2, might; but was either praying to God , or fending Mcf(engers to his Brother," or ordering his Family. 3. Another is humility. 9acob fell (even times to the ground before he cattle to his Brother. The Philofupher faith, Timor contrahit non intendie, fearfhrinks up the heart,it makes it not fwell. The Wife-manbath a good Medicine againft Pride. Be not wife in thine own Eyes, but fear the Lord. 4. Th<:_refìfignof fear is, the fear of fin; which is all one with the fear ofGod. Pfd.34.11. ConicyeChildren ( faithKing Devoid) and hearken unto me, and I will teach you Job,t r. the fear of the Lord. And both their fears are joyned by holy `)Lob, of whom it was raid , 70b was an upright Alan , and one that feared God , and efchewed evil ; and as it was his practue, fo was it his opinion, The fear of the Lord is wifdom, and to depart from evil , is unç':erftanding ; Timor eft fugìtions, fear bids usnot re- fift but Ay; andhe that fears cannot be armed fsfi ciently, though he put neverfomuch harnefs on his back. A thief being purfued, fear will make him diratrterefurtum drop that which he hath ftolea, or at leaft not have it about him. So if we fear God, we will be fare not tohave fin found about us , we will be afraid ofthat, left Dout.te.rz; it condemnus. And this is a fore figs. 6. The left -is givenus by Mores. And now Ifreel what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, and to walk in all his ways, to love him, and to ferve himwith all thy heart , and with all thy Soul. And as we Pfa1.33.8. are to have this Ggn of fear in our felves , fo are we to wi(h with the Prophet, that all the Earth may have this fear. Let all the Eart. fear the Lord, Band in awe of him all yc that dwell in the World, and it is a fault where this delire is wanting. The want of this delire argues the contrary affection , that is turning othcrs from the fear of God , which Stec(,, s3.22. God condemns by the Prophet , and calls it ftrengthening the hands of the wicked. Thus thenweSee that fear is the end ofthe Law. CHAP. IX. The fourth inward venue , is humility. The nature of it. Theproperties of it. Of Pride. The nature and degrees of it. Sign, of Pride. The punijhmenu of.Prodo. Of forced humility. Of counterfeit humility. Themeans ofhumility. The figns of IT is f 1 SainthPe a o place, twhichafitslthis well..k i(fdetyh esunderthe Pet.5.6. mightyhandof God, upon which one of the Fathers faith , Tanqueen fobfecurl vs- bementi loqquitur; the Apaftle (peaks as if Gods hand were lifted up with his Axe ready to l}rike us, andwe fhriak down forfear. And fa fhould a Man do, cart him-