Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

r 4. Chap. i r. Of Prayer andThanksgiving. Coln, r. part for prayer, becaufe it is to cover all over, and to make all the other Armour ureful. Therctore the Fathers upon that place of Ephef.6. 1 3. call it Armaturam armatura, the Armour of all other moil neceffary ; as if all the other wereof nomore fircngih, than if we were naked, if we put not on this. And they Rile it altoflage1. hum demonum, the Devils Scourge. Atbanafiue is confident that the bare, but faith- Pfa,.6s.,i. fui recital of this Ejaculation, ExurgatDem, Let God arife, and let his enemies be fcattcred, will make all the Devils in hell to quake. And another Fa- 70.1. ther affirms, that he ever found this Verfe [ Haile thee, O God, todeliver me, make hale to help me, OLord] effetlual to deliver him from any temptation. And Saint Jac. l.13. ÿamer prefcribes no other remedy forafflictions than this, Is any among you af&Lled Let him pray, even when humane hope fails, yet pray, for that which is tmpoffibreby our felves, ispogibile per alium, poffible by God, to whom we pray. And indeed it hath been ever of fuch power that it hath wrought miracles. 17.1ß. t. In the Air. By it Elias the Prophet Phut up the middle Region, that no rain could come down for three years and fix months, and he prayed again, and the Hea- v3ns gave rain, &c. z. If we delire to fee the like in other Elements, we may in Fire, by the fame Kin.!., o. prophet, for he by prayerbrought down fire, which confumed the Captain andhis fifty men. 'Kai.; 06.57. 3. In the Earth. At the prayer of Ages the earth opened and fwallowed up Co- rab, Dathan, and Abiram, with their company. Exod.14.16 4 In the water. At the prayerof Mofes the Red Sea divided it felf, and the wa- i8: ters were a wall to the Children of Ifrael, and returned and covered the Holt of the Egyptians. Jotll.t0.t a. 5. And this efIiicacie it hath wrought not only in the Elements, but in Heaven af- ro. At the prayer of 7ofuah the Sun and Moon flood ¡hill. Exod 17.1r. 6. In putting to flight earthly Powers alto. At the prayer of Mofen, when he lift z Sam.00. up his hands lfrael prevailed. David flayed the plague. By it Hannah of a barren Jon ,3' .. womb became fruitful. The Nineviresefcaped the fevere Judgments of God ; ex- amples are infinite, but there Teem lets, becaufe it hath power overfpiritual Powers, Death, Hell and Sathan. z King.:o.61 7. It hath power over death. Ez,echiaa having received a meffage of death, by prayer obtained fifteen years addition tohis life; I have heard thy prayer and fern thy tears, &c. Mat.s7,2.t. 8. Over Hell and theDevil, Our Saviour tells his Apoflles, that by prayer and falling theDevils were to be cart out. 9. And laflly, which is the molt remarkable, it overcometh God himfelf. We read that .A's fes tiled no other means but only Prayer, yet God faith, Let me alone Exod,3z. to. that my wrath may wax hot; as though while Afofes prayed God himfelf could do nothing againft the Ifraelites, or as if Mofen by prayer had offered violence to God, and held hishands, .Quis tenet to Domine, faith one, Lord, who holds thee, that thoufayefl, Let me alone ? Mofes his prayer did in a manner binde the hands of God. There isan Almighty power in prayer, becaufe it overcomes him that is Almighty. But it may beobjefled, that how daremiferable men, duff and antes, prefume to Gen.18.27. fpeak to God, being fo excellent and Omnipotent, and as 7acob confeffed now, be- 30.10. ing lefs than the leaft of his bleffings. This is anfwered thus by one, non prefnmptione tua, fed promifone & permáffone fua, Godnot onlypermitteth it, but addeth a promife to them that ufe it, and corn- Pfal,so.! 5, mands us tocall upon him. In the Pfalm before alledged, Call upon me in the time Joel 1.31. of trouble, andfwillhear thee. And Saint Peter and Saint Paul both confirm the truth Aft. 1.21, of this, whenthey quote this of the Prophet 7ael, Whofoeverfhall call upon the Nam.. Rom.10.13, of the Lordfinal' be Paved. And the joynmg of twoplaces in the Gofpels will make Mat.7.8. us call on God with great confidence. Everyone that anketh (faith Saint Matthew) John 16.13, receiveth ; and that in Saint Sohn, Whatfaeverye fhall arkthe Father in my Name, he will give it you. There can be no more fail, then that every one that asketh (hall Jer.t, have, and whatfoever you ask you fhall have; whereas on thecontrary, Gods fury will bepoured upon them thatcall not upon his Name; And